Cervical Disc Problem

The neck is the most vulnerable part of the spine because it houses a nerve cluster that connects your brain to all other parts of your body. This extension from where nerves are travelling outwards leads to problems in one area influencing others as well. The problem with cervical disc disorders isn’t just about local symptoms but can also lead to threatening ones such as numbness, tingling or weakness through different areas depending on which discs have been affected and how badly they were damaged by trauma. Surgery is always risky and that makes a patient try Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Disc Problem.

Cervical disc disease not only give just pain in the neck or nearby regions. Degenerative disc disease in the cervical region can cause radiating pain, as well as numbness and weakness in the shoulders, arm, and hand. This kind of discomfort and loss of mobility can cause a major impact on anyone’s career, family, and quality of life. There are certain pages where you can find the problems and details according to the segments.

Why do cervical spine issues lead to complications?

The cervical spine is the most vulnerable part of the human body because it is very flexible and has limited motion. The vertebrae are spongy and are connected to each other with joints that contain discs. These intervertebral discs possess a fibrous outer ring, which acts as a buffer between them for shock absorption, and when the shock is absorbed, the energy moves to the next ring. Due to this reason injuries of the cervical spine are very serious.

Due to a sudden jerk or heavyweight on the neck, it causes compression and stretching injury of vertebral discs as well as a tear in outer fibrous rings, which lead to severe consequences like muscle spasms due to pressure build-up around those joints and delayed healing also leads to the formation of scar tissue that further can cause stiffness in neck muscles. The most common complication occurs due to scarring of nerves which results in loss of feeling over some part of one’s body known as paresthesia.

Cervical Disc Problem

Right from C2-C3 spinal disc to C7-T1 discs are present in the cervical region. These discs work as shock absorbers. For the shake of the shock absorber- there is jelly inside the cervical spinal disc. This jelly is proteoglycans and water. The outer rim is harder in structure. This outer shell is made up of fibres. The flexibility of the disc comes from the nucleus pulposus and the annular fibres in the outer rim give strength to the disc.

Age impacts everything. It is not years alone. How much we use something, and how roughly use something- is also age of the machine.

You bought a car, you drove it for ten thousand miles in one year. And your friend had the same experience- driving his to just over five thousand miles in two months! You both care about this machine and made sure that you were careful with its ageing process by not crashing or speeding excessively during either of these times. But there is something else: when we drive any vehicle without stopping for too long at once, because if we do so then our own cars will decay faster due to how much more use they have been getting than before from being driven limitless distances through heavy rainstorms on city streets near traffic lights all day every single week–
To make things simpler though – as I alluded earlier– what’s important here isn’t necessarily when we bought the case. The important thing is- how do you “drive” and “maintain” the machine.

The same is applicable to cervical discs or any other spinal discs. In a few professions and conditions, we cause a lot of pressure on the cervical discs. This pressure on the disc interrupts the blood supply to the disc. Blood carries the nutrition. When there is a scarcity of nutrition. The cervical disc decays faster. Once the disc decays, it just passes through different steps…

Degenerative Disc Disease in Cervical Disc

This is the first step of any problem in the spinal disc. When there is pressure and water content keeps on decay. It leads to the condition of degenerative disc disease in the cervical disc.

Bulged Cervical Disc

After degeneration, jelly starts moving to the sides. This is the condition where jelly starts pushing the outer fibre layer but there is no herniation in the disc. The protrusion is the other word for the Bulged cervical disc. This condition is commonly seen in C3-C4 to C7-T1 discs.

Herniated Cervical Disc

After a bulge of the cervical disc, the next step is- herniation of the disc. Here jelly completely breaks the annular fibres and compresses the spinal cord or the nerve roots. After herniation of the disc, the next can be extrusion of the disc and canal stenosis.

Other than these diseases, there are some more conditions that give similar symptoms to the cervical spinal disc problem. This might be simple- osteoarthritis of the cervical bones or it might be as major as- thickening of the posterior longitudinal ligament in the cervical region.

Problems due to Cervical Disc Problem

Cervical Disc problems can cause different problems. These problems can be as simple as – pain, numbness, tingling or loss of sensation in the dermatome supplied by the correspondence nerve root. Or these conditions can be complicated too. These complications keep on confusing the patient as well many clinicians. Here are some of the symptoms of cervical disc problems which creates confusion.

Headache: This is a symptom that causes maximum confusion with patients. This condition is again and again diagnosed as Migraine. CT scan, MRI of the brain concludes nothing. Years and years pass with the confusion with migraines. Headache can occur with any patient where compression is in C3-C4 to C7-T1.

Giddiness: Problems with the brain and ear can only cause giddiness inpatient is the biggest confusion among patients. This is the neck, when not right will certainly cause giddiness or dizziness. This giddiness can be very minimal or can be problematic too.

Pain in Chest Radiating to Upper arm: Many people land in the emergency room with this complaint. Because we are educated in a way that if the pain radiates to the jaw, chest and upper arm (especially left arm) is a basic symptom of the cardiac issue. When giddiness and palpitation associates with this problem, it is almost a diagnosis for most of people that he/she is suffering from cardiac issues. But when there is a cervical disc disease in C5-C6, C6-C7 and C7-T1– it certainly leads to similar symptoms of cardiac issues.

Pain in finger joints: When you cannot hold something and your fingers. All small joints are aching. You confuse with rheumatoid arthritis or some joint pain. But truth is, you can get this symptom just because of the compression in the cervical region.

Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Disc Problem

Spinal disc problems are never easy to treat and that too without opening the spine. This is the reason up to a level we have accepted that surgery is the only solution for spinal problems. But it is partially true. Yes, surgical interventions are necessary in places. We do also take patients after keen observation and understanding of the cases. Neither every case is treatable without surgery nor is it with Ayurveda. Do the surgery when it is required. Don’t enforce surgery for making money!!

When we do Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Disc Problem we do take care of things well. We first study MRIs in detail and after understanding the case we take the case. We know our limitations and we regard these.

So if you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment for Cervical Disc problems you are in the right place. Just send your MIR to us and we will guide you accordingly.