Yoga or Physiotherapy What is best for Herniated Disc

Physiotherapy and Yoga seems same to all. But for a patient of herniated disc it is always a concern- Yoga or Physiotherapy what is best for Herniated Disc?

Herniated disc problem can be very painful in chronic condition. The disc adjoining the vertebrae of the spine allows the spine to move easily and makes it flexible. The jelly-like inner core of the vertebral disc and the well-built fibrous broad outer layer protects the spine because of which our back is comfortable and can easily bend flexibly.

People suffering from herniated disc problem often go for physiotherapy and are less likely to opt for yoga treatments as they think yoga may worsen their condition of back ache. Every now and then we see number of people quizzing about the best practices to cure acute or chronic back pain that is caused by slip disc. And the question Yoga or Physiotherapy What is best for Herniated Disc remains unanswered, logically. Here is the logic we follow…

Yoga or Physiotherapy What is best for Herniated Disc

In this article we would highlight the best tried and tested practices that worked wonders and cured the herniated disc problems. Other than surgical treatments, there are majorly two common treatments known to restore the normal spinal health satisfactorily.

  1. Yoga Treatment
  2. Physical Therapy Treatment

Yoga treatment certainly wins and is fast taking over physical therapy treatment. Reasons why yoga is better.

The conception of yoga along with Ayurveda developed in Northern India which was emerged 5,000 and more years ago. Yoga has a long rich history that has found the real reason of human life. People have been practicing it as a remedy for various diseases. Apparently, yoga is a holistic approach to health and is now a great substitute of medicines.

Differences between Yoga or Physiotherapy

For herniated disc problems, certain yoga poses can bring effective solace from grievous suffering when performed under supervision of yoga expert.

  1. Under yoga treatment, patients can perform the poses by self unlike physiotherapy treatment. Yoga treatment seems is certainly difficult but very effective in long term. The shape of spine and body restores and is more correct under this therapy.
  2. Physiotherapist treats the condition of the patient whereas yoga therapist looks at the root cause of the problem. Based on the body type, symptoms and level of disease yoga therapist suggest proper remedy.
  3. The yoga therapist understands the stress and emotional level of patient and accordingly guides them in exercise. Contrary to this, a physiotherapist prescribes the list of exercises to do at home. Recent studies stated that movement in yoga fosters ease, is more effective and stress free in such conditions.
  4. Under yoga program, patients feel remarkably less pain after few sessions.
  5. Yoga therapy focuses on easy movements than physiotherapy.
  6. Yoga therapy is a holistic and trusted approach. Results have proved that few yoga poses for slip disc patients can cure the condition completely. Patients with regular practice noticed strengthened muscles and stable spine.
  7. Yoga gives long lasting impact.


One should select yoga asanas for the problem, under guidance of a well trained Yoga teacher. And before you go for Yoga, you should have relaxed muscles. This is the reason in case of treatment of herniated disc we first relax the muscles through Panchakarma for slip disc, than only Yoga comes in scene.

If you want to know about detail treatment, you just send the MRI to us so that we will check the details and let you to know what you need to do and how Yoga or Physiotherapy what is best for Herniated Disc!