Ayurvedic Understanding About Spine

Ayurveda is said to be approximately five thousand years old. The word Ayurveda comes from the combination of two Sanskrit words Ayu which means life and Veda which means knowledge which means “science of life”. It is based on holistic treatment where the healing is related to a balance between spirit, body and mind. Unlike Allopathy, Ayurveda does not have any side effects. Also it helps a person improve his physical, mental and physiological conditions.  We at Sukhayu Ayurved primarily focus on these basic principles of Ayurveda. Where our patients not only relieve from the physical pain but also attain wellness. And all these factors make Sukhayu Ayurveda an apt place and right choice for the treatment of Spinal problems.

Ayurvedic understanding about spine

Spine is an important part of a human body and a small pain can become severe and affect your normal routine. There are huge chances that gradually the pain becomes unbearably severe. Therefore it is very important to treat a condition at the right time using the right remedial process. Ayurveda has a different approach unlike modern medical science. It treats the human body as a complete organisation. Each part has its own role in proper functioning of the body. And when the part is unable to perform according to its capacity it is said to be affected by a disease.

Seven Dhatus together with three Doshas constitute the whole body and are responsible for the proper functioning of a body.

The three main Doshas are- Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

The seven dhatus are Rasa, Rakta, Mamsa, Medas, Asthi, Majja and Shukra Dhatus.

A brief knowledge of Dhatus and Dosha can substantially help understanding the functioning and activity of the human spine.

The three Doshas

These three Doshas are basically energy that constitutes every living matter. These three doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha are Sanskrit words and relates to the primary biology of the body. Pitta Dosha is the energy responsible for the movement. It is the Vata dosha that causes movement so that the cell gets all the fluids and nutrients.

Pitta Dosha is the energy that plays an important role in digestion or metabolism. Other than metabolism it is also responsible for hormonal balance and body temperature. Even the intelligence and thirst are also dependent on pitta dosha.

The energy responsible for structural organisations is- Kapha. Kapha provides the lubrication and this same lubricant makes the internal meshwork of the body. Other than this it moisturizes the body as well as maintains the immunity.

We have movements and these are not organised- does that make any sense?

When we are able to plan a movement after analysing the situation but the body cannot move- it is a waste!

When we can move wisely, we need to know where to stop and some strength to do that too.

All three doshas when present in natural proportion are said to be in equilibrium.

Likewise the rest of the body, these doshas are responsible for a healthy spine too. To know how doshas cause spinal disc problems just click on the link and get all the information.

The seven Dhatus

These energies of the doshas need some space for activities. Dhatus, provides the space. Loosely, many people relate the Dhatus with “tissues”. But more than anatomical structures, these dhatus are physiological functionalities of the body.

These seven play different roles and are responsible for different physiological activities-

  • Rasa has all the nutrition.
  • Rakta, carries this nutrition to all cells.
  • Mamsa is responsible for holding everything together.
  • Medas makes body supple and oleates it.
  • Asthi supports the body, shapes it up.
  • Majja does the filling in empty spaces- whether inside the bones or between the joints- it is all majja.
  • Shukr is a functional entity, which can impact on all these.

In every part of the body, these all seven are present. And we can find these in the spine too-

Doshas and Dhatus: All Together in Human Spine

Likewise rest of the body human spine is also constituted with dhatus and doshas. The seven dhatus mentioned above constitute the spine and perform their functions. The ras dhatu is present in the form of nutrition in blood. Rakta plays its part in to and fro movement of blood to different arteries. The ligament and the muscles that keep the spine together is Mamsa. The fat that is located in the epidural region is called Medas. Asthi constitutes the vertebrae and cartilages. Majja is the neural tissue with a spinal canal which has discs in between the bones.

The doshas that are Vata Kapha and Pitta are also present in the spine. Vata causes movements, Kapha holds the spine and Pitta gives the direction to the movement.

The human spine has a complicated structure. It is very difficult to treat it and hence the treatments are usually unsuccessful but not in case of Ayurveda.

Because Ayurveda primarily works on maintaining the balance between Dhatu and Dosha, which is crucial for a healthy spine.

The Approach based Treatment of Spinal Problems

Spinal problems are difficult to cure. Nonetheless it can be treated if the approach is right.

Nowadays there is so much misleading in the name of Ayurveda. The authentic and traditional Ayurvedic treatment is somewhere lost in modern remedial procedures.

Sukhayu Ayurveda is an organisation that strictly follows the learning of Science. Our treatments are thoroughly based on the basic principles of Ayurveda.