From T6-T7 downside among the 12 discs of the thoracic region- chances of the disturbances down the legs is common. We had many cases where patient was not able to stand or sit properly because of compression due to T6-T7 disc. This region is on the lower slope of the thoracic spine. This region is basically interacts with the lower lumbar region. The T6-T7 herniated disc is not common, but when it occurs; it needs immediate care. When we talk about Noninvasive Ayurvedic Treatment of T6-T7 herniated disc at Sukhayu, we have a strong inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Because it is not possible for anybody to treat every case. In cases where patient don’t have control on the urine and stool- we don’t take case. But if the same control is just poor- there is urine incontinence or stool incontinence- we can treat the case.
Unlike the upper parts of the thoracic region- T4-T5 and T5-T6; T6-T7 region is more exposed to disc problems. The main thing in this level is- if there will be some problem in this place, pain and discomfort will radiate in the lower middle back. Like other thoracic nerves, this also supplies to the internal viscera. This is the reason, it can cause certain problems with bladder and colon.
In case of disc herniation at T6-T7 level, the main reason mostly is- sitting posture. How a person sits in chair, means a lot. And once you are sitting in chair for long- then this becomes more complicated. People who work in desk are more prone to the T6-T7 herniated disc.
A herniated disc in T6-T7 level can cause several conditions. But the most common condition it causes is pain in the middle back. This pain is lower to the scapula blades always. This pain keeps on irritating whenever you start sit in chair or work on the computer or desk. The same discomfort moves forwards in the abdomen.
Like all other thoracic discs, thoracic cage provides extra protection to the T6-T7 level. But in case of disc problems this is the T6 disc, which disturbs. The T6 nerve may lead to local pain and traveling of tingling sensation. The most complicated condition is- when numbness or weakness appears due to the compression on this level.
Noninvasive Ayurvedic Treatment of T6-T7 herniated disc responds well in case of the T6-T7. Surgery is only required when there is some extra growth or compression fracture in T6 or T7. The main thing in the Noninvasive Ayurvedic Treatment of T6-T7 herniated disc is that this area is more stabilised. Where movements appear more in the cervical and lumbar region, there it becomes challenging to restore the condition. But in thoracic region, it is possible with ease.
We follow a three dimensional approach for noninvasive ayurvedic treatment of T6-T7 herniated disc – Ayurvedic medicines, Panchakarma and Yoga.
Ayurvedic medicines in case of herniated disc are concerned to bring the balance of the dosha. Every problem in the human body leads to the disturbance in the Doshas. These doshas are responsible for causing the problem as well as for treatment of the condition. We always glue to the authentic ayurveda. Therefore we first balance the doshas…
One Doshas are balanced, we work on alignment of the spine and intervertebral space management through Panchakarma and Yoga. Panchakarma relaxes the surrounding muscles and Yoga helps in manipulation. This is the reason Noninvasive Ayurvedic Treatment of T6-T7 herniated disc is more practical and result oriented.
If you have problem in your T6-T7 than don’t panic. Just share all your MRI details through email and our experts will check everything and will revert you on that.
Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma is “Chief Ayurvedic Physician” at Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur. He is an M.D. (Ayurveda) doctor. He is the founder of the “Sukhayu Ayurved” and working with patients clinically since last 15 years. Vaidya Ji is well known for his specialisation in Ayurvedic treatment of different ailments. Among these diseases “To set the slipped disc to normal” is one. Vaidya Dr. Pardeep does it according to the scientific principles of Ayurveda. Under his