Slip Disc in C5-C6

You have come to the perfect place for C5-C6 slip disc relief without having surgery. Ayurveda is a popular treatment option that offers many benefits and has been used by people since time immemorial!

You are looking at this page because you want an effective way of treating your C5-C6 slip disc pain, but don’t want to go through with invasive surgery. With no need for anesthesia or surgical tools like scalpels, there’s never any risk involved when it comes to undergoing treatments from our professionally trained staff here at Sukhayu Ayurved…

Here I, Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma, am going to discuss the problems with this condition of slip disc.

Before you proceed with reading the page below, you can be sure enough that your problem can be treated well through Ayurvedic Treatment and certainly your disc can reset to normal.

C5-C6 Slip Disc: Know More

A cervical disc problem is characterized by damage to the intervertebral discs (which act as shock absorbers) located in the neck, between each of your vertebrae. The two vertebrae are connected with intervertebral ligaments and they operate like a hinge joint (also known as a synovial joint). Any injury, strain, or degeneration of the cervical discs can cause pain and loss of movement in a specific area, depending on where the damage is situated.

In this case, we’ll be dealing with C5-C6 intervertebral disc problems (meaning between cervical vertebrae 5 and 6). The most common symptoms of a C5-C6 disc problem include neck pain radiating into your arm and hand, numbness or tingling sensation starting from your neck that reaches down to your fingers, muscle weakness in one side of your body. You might also feel some muscle spasms in both shoulders. In comparison to other regions of the spine, these symptoms are usually not very intense but persistent. However, if they continue for a longer period of time, they can lead to more serious injuries and diseases that might require surgery.

C5-C6 slip disc

When this pain first time occurs, the first thing might come in mind- Is this pain related to the cardiac issues!! And specifically, when the disc bulge is more on left side.

Facts you should know about C5-C6 Slip Disc

  • C5-C6 is the most commonly cervical disc which bulges or herniates.
  • This is located closer to the base of the cervical spine, thus it gets more pressure from the muscles.
  • A herniated C5-C6 or Bulge in C5-C6 disc comes under one word for a common man is-  slipped disc in C5-C6.
  • Any of these C5-C6 slip disc problems disturbs the upper half of the body.
  • Problem is always serious and alarming in this region, because it impacts on the whole upper arm, chest, shoulder.

But on another side the other problem is- risky cervical surgeries seem the only solution for the problem. But here we are to discuss the Ayurvedic treatment for the C5-C6 slip disc without surgery.

Cervical disc problems are a common issue in the human body, and Ayurveda offers effective treatment options that bring relief without surgery. Recent studies have shown that cervical discs experience wear and tear as they age; this can lead to herniated or bulging disks. The development of these conditions is affected by specific dosha energies which control bodily processes such as physical strength and emotions. If you want to learn about possible treatments for C5-C6 slip discs based on your particular type of disorder, it’s important first to understand what causes them most often:

Herniation – due to excess weight or extreme rotation (rotation usually happens when turning quickly)

Bulge – from an injury where there was

Before understanding the treatment we need to understand the problem in detail.

What can happen, is limitless in the case of the human body. But as a physician, I can tell you what commonly happens to the C5-C6 disc.

What are the causes of a C5-C6 problem?

The cervical spine is the part of your spine that carries most of your upper body weight and acts as a support for your head. With time, some people start developing degenerative conditions in their cervical discs (which make up the vertebrae in between) like herniated discs, bulging discs, or disc degeneration. Herniated cervical disc occurs when there is increased pressure on the inside of one of the vertebral joints.

As a result, parts (or sometimes all) of the inner content can get out into the spinal canal and cause damage to the nerves present around it. Bulging discs happen when there is an accumulation of fluid underneath one or more intervertebral discs which makes them protrude outwards and give the spine a swollen appearance.

There are some other conditions and circumstances that can also cause C5-C6 disc problems including:

Chronic inflammatory diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis) Trauma to the neck or back Tumors, infection or tumor of the spinal cord Spondylolisthesis, which is a condition when one vertebra slips on top of the vertebra below it Herniated lumbar disc in your lower back, which can create pressure on your cervical vertebrae

How do you know if you have a C5-C6 intervertebral disc problem?

In order to determine what may be causing your pain and symptoms, you need to consult with a doctor. A complete physical exam helps in this. Along with some other medical imaging tests and blood work to rule out any other diseases or conditions that might have the same symptoms of a C5-C6 disc problem.

A C5-C6 disc problem usually associates with various physical activities such as sleeping on your stomach, repetitive neck movements or postures (especially those that involve tilting your head backward), carrying heavy loads in one side of your body.

However, any repositioning of the cervical spine can also be dangerous for the discs. Especially if it’s done without proper training or if you’re not using lubricants while doing it. In addition, smoking cigarettes make matters worse because they dehydrate your body and cause inflammation in the soft tissues surrounding you.

The problems with C5-C6 Disc

Here are few problems, which I come across commonly in my clinical practice. These problems can occur with any level of the disc, but here because we are considering the C5-C6 disc, so we will focus on this level only.

C5-C6 Degeneration

In elderly patients, elder than 40, this is a most common finding. To be more specific- in those patients who are indulged in desk work.

  • Excessive use of computer or mobile.
  • Sitting in the shurged position.
  • Holding phone to see something for long.
  • Poor posture when lying down.

These are the most common four things which strains the muscles of the shoulder, upper back and neck. And this leads to extra pressure on the discs through loss of curvature in the cervical spine.

When this pressure is regular, discs don’t get proper nutrition and these start decaying.

Decay is aging but really not associated with age alone. I have seen new generation PUBG players- suffering from severe degeneration of the spinal discs.

So ultimately, this is the way we handle our bodies, which leads to problems.

When it is degeneration alone- the most common symptoms are-

  • Stiffness in neck
  • Pain in neck
  • Heaviness in Head
  • Dizziness
  • Numbness in forearm when hand is trapped under body weight.

C5-C6 Disc Bulge

When the pressure of the muscles remains intact and the disc is getting weaker. With time- the jelly of the disc, which is known as nucleus pulposus- starts shifting aside.

This leads to the bulge of a disc.

Symptoms of the disc bulge at the C5-C6 level are not that complicated, generally. But, because at a time two or more discs are impacted- therefore there might be certain milder symptoms.

Cervical Radiculopathy is commonly seen in the case of disc bulge and herniation, in which pain radiates to the side of the forearm and complicates the movements of the wrist.

This condition is commonly confused with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome– because- pain is in the thumb and the wrist are involved. And I have seen many cases where patients come to me after surgery of the wrist for CTS and will complain- my pain is as it is.

Disc Herniation

A herniated disc is that where the jelly pops out and starts compressing the nerves badly.

The cervical radiculopathy- radiation of pain in the upper arm becomes more complicated with the time and severity of the symptoms keeps on increasing.

C5-C6 Disc Protrusion

This is the most complicated condition among the disc problems of the C5-C6 level.

Either this condition appears because of the carelessness of the patients. Because patients keep on trying the “wrong” methods for the treatment of the cervical disc. And this complicates the herniated disc and jelly starts protruding out and blocks the canal.

In some cases, this is not carelessness but this occurs because of a sudden jerk or some accident.

The most common complication of the Protruded C5-C6 disc is- Cervical Myelopathy. Cervical myelopathy is a condition where regular compression weakens the nerves and leads to complete loss of sensation in most of the body parts.

CLICK FOR– Ayurvedic treatment of Cervical Myelopathy.

Osteophytes and Bony Spurs in C5-C6 level

In aged patients, especially females- this is a common finding.

Due to improper calcium metabolism, these spurs and osteophytes form on the edges of the spinal vertebrae. Because these are sharp that is why they lead to compression on the nerves and cause all related symptoms.

C5-C6 Disc : Why does It herniates most Commonly

Spine is a series of bones. These bones are connected to each other through muscles, ligaments, and bony joints. The arrangement of these bones is in a very beautiful manner. This arrangement helps us to move freely.

When this comes to the cervical spine. The cervical Spine carries the heavy skull bones and protects the spinal cord. Along with this, whatever movements we need from our neck with the heavy skull.

In these activities, C5-C6 plays an important role in many ways.

As Parker says in Spiderman “With great power comes great responsibility“. The same applies to the disc between these C5 and C6 bones. Here are these things which make this disc vulnerable to bulge, herniate, and even more complicated to get Cervical Myelopathy.

Things add to the vulnerability of C5-C6 disc

Here are the points, which make this complicated and leads to the C5-C6 slip disc condition-

  • C5-C6 cervical disc is one of the main large disc in the cervical region.
  • The neck moves in all directions on the axis of this vertebrae.
  • The muscles, strain this region very easily.
  • Next reason of vulnerability is- the spine curves at this point.

When you use a computer in the wrong posture and type regularly what happens in Software Engineers, they work in shrugged posture for hours. Then muscles of the shoulder keep on stiffening.

The moment these muscles are stiff. These will exert pressure on the main axis, where spinal vertebrae and discs are present.

The regular pressure leads to Loss of Lordosis of the cervical spine (this is the first statement of most of the MRIs). This straightening of the spine leads to an increase in the length of the spine.

But your neck can never be longer. It has fixed dimensions. Bones of the cervical start coming closer. Thus space in between the vertebral bodies (Intervertebral bodies) reduce. End plates weaken and finally, the lack of blood supply to the intervertebral disc leads to Degenerative Disc Disease in C5-C6. The degenerated disc leads to Herniated C5-C6 disc or the C5-C6 slip disc.

Symptoms due to C5-C6 slip disc

Before understanding the Symptoms of the C5-C6 Slip disc, we need to understand the areas where nerves emerging from this level supply to.

This is the sixth nerve of the cervical region, we all know it as the C6 spinal nerve. Like all other spinal nerves- the C6 has sensory and motor two roots.

The sensory root carries the sensation from the “peripheral parts” and passes it to the “central nervous system”. So this root helps us in sensing things.

When it comes to carrying the command from higher centers of the brain to muscles, the motor root does that.

This is the reason, why every patient with a C5-C6 slip disc has different types of symptoms. When the effect is more on the motor root- it leads to the loss of strength in the supply area. And on another side, when sensory roots are compressed- it leads to pain, numbness, burning sensation, etc.

The next thing is- where these symptoms will appear?

There are two major supply areas.

Dermatome: this is an area of skin, which gets supply from a nerve root. And another one is the Myotome, these are a group of muscles that gets supply from the nerve root.

When Sensory root is compressed due to C5-C6 Slip Disc

In the case of the C6 cervical nerve- the dermatome is the skin on the lateral side- means on side of the “thumb” in the forearm, up to the skin of the thumb. So skin-related symptoms due to the compression on a C6 nerve root due to C5-C6 Slip disc confines to this area only.

This will lead to the following symptoms in the area-

  • Tingling: A weird feeling where patient complains about some vibration sort of feeling in the affected region.
  • Numbness: Loss of sense in touch.
  • Burning: Patient feels burning sensation in the region.

Impact of motor root entrapment in C6 Cervical Nerve

There are certain muscles that get supply from the C6 motor root-

  1. Muscles which help the wrist to bend backward- Wrist Extensors.
  2. Biceps Muscle.
  3. Muscles which are responsible for turning up hand in supination and bend the elbow- Supinators.

When there is nerve compression in the C5-C6 level, it leads to a problem with these muscles.

There might be a loss of activity, due to the compression on a nerve or just pain- while doing the movement.

Now comes the most important part of our discussion- How Ayurvedic treatment can help in the nonsurgical treatment of the C5-C6 slip disc?

Treatment for Cervical pain in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic treatment for C5-C6 slip disc without surgery

When it comes to Ayurvedic treatment for C5-C6 slip discs without surgery, the main thing is not just relief in signs and symptoms. In most cases of slip disc, physicians- Ayurvedic/Allopathy or Homeopathy and even patients the main concern remains to just pacify the pain, numbness, or any other symptoms.

As we know these are a group of muscles that stiffen because of some wrong postures.

How can we leave these groups of muscles unattended and untreated? You cannot leave the cause behind and work on effect?

The main aim of the treatment is to ensure- bringing back the natural condition of the spine. Without that, there is no sense of doing any treatment.

For Ayurvedic Treatment of C5-C6 Slip disc, we follow a proper approach, which helps us in giving the best results. Here is it-

Ayurvedic Approach for Treatment of C5-C6 Slip Disc

In the first consultation, we mark the stiffened muscles and ligaments. We then, try to find the wrong posture of the patient. When we can mark the affected muscles and ligaments, then we select the Panchakarma procedures from a bigger range of the treatments with us. In some patients, Basti works well.

In others, this is Nasya, which gives results. So this all depends on the requirement of the patient and the cause behind the problem.

Ayurvedic Medicines for C5-C6 Slip Disc

There are two factors with the treatment of slip disc in C5-C6 level-

  1. Certainly first thing is the doshas, because Ayurvedic treatment is all dependent on the involvement of the doshas in every condition.
  2. Line of treatment is “Urdhvajatrugata-Roga“, this is very much specific in case of Ayurveda, there are certain remedies for the region above the clavicle bone.

In my clinical practices, I consider both things and try to apply these in a proper way, so that the right selection of medicines can help you in a better way.

Which dosha involves in the C5-C6 slip disc?

Certainly, you might feel this is nothing more than Vata. But it is a bit complicated.

When numbness associates with the condition – we need to balance both Kapha and Vata dosha. In other cases where burning comes along with pain, we need to balance the Pitta too.

In a condition, where stiffness appears it becomes necessary to remove the deep-seated toxins from the specific group of muscles.

So, this is not alone the Vata dosha, which we need to pacify for the ayurvedic treatment of C5-C6 slip disc, there are many aspects, which we need to take care of.

Panchakarma for C5-C6 Slip Disc

Panchakarma for C5-C6 slip disc

If it is a cervical issue- what else it will be other than the famous Greeva Basti?

Certainly, this is the approach, everybody follows.

In starting days of my practice, when it came to offering Panchakarma for the treatment of the C5-C6 slip disc, I always vouched for Greeva Basti.

But I learned with my experience. The discomfort of the patient- taught me many lessons.

When muscular strain is maximum- it is not advisable to ask the patient to fold his arms under his head and to just strain the neck for Greeva Basti!!

So when it is about panchakarma treatment for slip discs, we have an “n” number of procedures from which I pick one, two, three, or five.

Treatment should be always according to the requirements of the patient. Not according to some “sticky” plans. Otherwise, there cannot be any difference between allopathy and Ayurveda.

Which Exercises one Should Do in C5-C6 Disc Bulge

Internet is flooded with videos and DIY posts sharing, very loud and clear-

  • Do these 5 Asanas and get rid of the cervical problem completely…
  • The wonderful set of Yoga poses which healed cervical disc in two weeks….


These claim-making posts, make every patient ask me- “TELL ME SOME ASANAS”.

And when I tell them- how can I comment on something without checking you- they call me names- You just want to make money. Show some mercy, if one can get better at home.

And after listening to these words, I feel pity for myself. Because as a physician you cannot “react” and “advice” to someone.

It hurts in times of Google!!

So what is my take on exercises- in the case of the C5-C6 slip disc?

Very simple and accurate-

  • Do all exercises for your spine under guidance of someone who is well Qualified.
  • Make Sure your Yog Guru is not someone – Self-proclaimed.
  • Always check and be aware about any extra jerk in the neck. Because a single wrong move can lead you to – complete paralysis.

I have seen some people – tying a rope around the neck and they call it – Faansi- they tie a rope in the neck and pull it with some “technique?? And this all they practice in name of Yoga Asanas?

We need to be beware of all such things. Because your neck is a delicate part of the nervous system and it can completely complicate your condition with such carelessness.

How can I heal my C5-C6 Disc Bulge

Before you jump to any conclusion, you need to know two basic things-

  1. Yes, it is possible to heal your C5-C6 disc bulge and that too without surgical inputs.
  2. This process of healing needs time and patience, without that it becomes complicated.

So, in two points, I have yes and no both.

You can heal the disc, because many others like you, who were suffering with the slip disc in C5-C6 got best results with Ayurvedic treatment.

Success Stories of Cervical Disc Patients

Here are these success stories of the patients who were treated successfully at Sukhayu Ayurved, Jaipur.

The Ayurvedic treatment for C5-C6 slip disc without surgery is possible at Sukhayu Ayurved, Jaipur because of the approach only. We don’t believe in treating the problem. We do believe in treating the root cause of the problem.

You can share your MRI with us through email so that we will let you know about all the possibilities about Ayurvedic treatment for C5-C6 slip disc without surgery with us.