
Why Spinal Disc Slips

Technology has made life easier for all of us, but it’s also changed the way we live. Unfortunately, these changes have negatively impacted our health. And have led to a lot more people becoming ill or having accidents. Because they are not used to walking long distances anymore – one such example is slipped discs.

Technology may be making things simpler than ever before. But this change in lifestyle can lead to some serious consequences. Like injuries from car crash you never would’ve had if you walked places instead of driving there. For instance: Slipped discs!

But it never means to end-up using the technology. Problem is a problem, until we dont have any solution. The day we can underline the solution, the technology proves to be a blessing too.

The same spinal disc issues aka slipped disc is not a problem if we have better understanding about the problem.

Know more about pain due to a disc problem!!

But Why Spinal Disc Slips?

The disc can also loosen as a result of the outer layer wearing away. Discs are rubbery structures that cushion and support the bony vertebrae in your spine. Made mostly of water, they absorb shocks like car tires absorb bumps on the road. Like tires, discs have a hard outer layer (called an annular wall ) that protects their soft inner parts from damage. Your discs have no blood supply; nutrition is supplied to them by diffusion through this tough membrane or wall.

As you get older, however, the protective circulatory system breaks down, and nutrients and oxygen may not reach all portions of the disc evenly.

Spinal discs undergo changes as we age too. Sometimes these changes cause symptoms such as back pain.

As we age, discs can also become dehydrated and shrink, causing some of the tough outer walls to break down. A disc may slip if it is dehydrated and the tough outer membrane breaks down or gets thinner. In this case, the vertebrae underneath the disc move closer to one another.

Who Gets Disc Disease?

Disc disease usually occurs when you are in your 20s and 30s. There’s no way to know for sure who will develop symptomatic spinal degeneration from lumbar disc degeneration. About 10 percent of people have back pain caused by a slipped disc, according to www.Spine-Health.com.

However, only about 10 percent of them ever seek treatment; hence surgeons don’t often see these cases.

The patients most at risk are those with a family history of the condition or anyone who has had back problems before, especially in their 20s and 30s.

Don’t you want to know- What your disc can cause?

Symptoms That May Indicate Disc Disease

Over time, spinal discs can become dehydrated from lack of nutrients caused by a reversal in venous flow due to aging; some of them actually shrink. When this happens, structures called annular tears can develop. Some experts believe protein-containing material from these tears gets into the spinal fluid and cause inflammation — a reaction that damages nerve cells and results in pain. Researchers aren’t sure why the discs lose their density as we age – it could be from a combination of factors. But it’s clear that disc degeneration is related to age and appears to be an inevitable part of aging.

If you have back pain, it’s important to rule out other possible causes such as injury or disease by seeing your doctor. If your pain is due to a slipped disc, you may also experience other symptoms depending on which levels are affected:

Pain in the mid-back along a radiating path (usually down one leg)

Muscle wasting and weakness in the lower extremities (if nerve root compression occurs)

Sensory changes in the legs or feet (numbness, tingling, burning sensations) – called Lhermitte’s sign , this symptom is also common in multiple sclerosis

Burning pain in the legs – this can be caused by the same thing that causes Lhermitte’s sign (numbness, tingling and burning sensations) but radiates down to the foot

Slipped Disc Causes

There are many causes of slipped discs. The most common symptoms of it include sprain, strain, and back pain in the areas where discs are present. These three conditions cause slipped discs to occur at a rapid rate. However, such injuries do not always result in disc slips. If you experience any kind of back injury, then there is always a chance that you can get this problem as well. It may also be caused by poor posture or lifting heavy objects incorrectly – especially if you’re an athlete or someone who regularly engages in physical exercise.

Degeneration of Disc

  • Degeneration of disc is also one of the main reasons behind slipped disc. This condition happens due to the breakdown of fibers present in a disc or vertebrae. A damaged disc is more likely to slip, resulting in pain and other symptoms associated with spinal problems.

Herniated Disc

  • Herniated Discs: Herniated discs are another common cause of slipped disc. If a herniated disc occurs, it leads to inflammation and swelling around an area in your spine that contains nerve roots connected with different parts of your body, such as muscles or skin. When a herniated disk inflames, the chances for two adjacent discs lying above or below it become higher; this can result in slipping too.


  • Obesity and slipped disc: Obesity is one of the primary reasons for slipped disc. The problem startes due to increased pressure on your spine, which results in a rupture of different parts inside. According to recent studies related to a slipped disc- obese people are more likely than non-obese individuals to suffer from this condition or issues related to it. The reason behind this is with in the structure and composition present inside obese people’s bodies. They have at least 10 percent higher amount of intervertebral discs and vertebrae than lean people have. Such structural differences make this body type prone to slipping and dislocation in the spinal column.

Your Genes

  • Genetics: The other reason for a slipped disc is genetics. If your parents are suffering from this problem or you know that they had a slipped disc, then there is a high possibility of this happening to you too.

Poor Posture

  • Poor posture: Poor posture is also another reason that can lead to slipped disc. Slipped discs occur when you carry an object for a long time, lift weights incorrectly or sit for longer periods of time. When sitting, your back needs to be straight and not tilted forward or backward. If you keep your spine in a non-neutral position for a long period of time, it puts pressure on the intervertebral discs and vertebrae present inside your body, leading to slipped discs.

Slip Disc Causes According to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, a ruptured intervertebral disc is a state that develops because of disparity in Vata Dosha. This causes toxicity and imbalance in our bodies. Our body loses its robustness; we become weak from inside and later, the basic functional cycle of our body starts diminishing.

Ayurveda recognizes four major causes of slipped disc:

(1) external injury,

(2) internal pathology,

(3) excessive physical strain and

(4) straining to hold the urine or stools.

The last three conditions are known as Snehasthanas in Ayurveda.

The term Sneha means lubrication. In the Ayurvedic context, it refers to a type of internal disease that creates a tendency for slipped discs in case of external trauma (as in (3) above).

In cases of slipped disc related to external trauma, Ayurveda mainly recommends surgery because the disc has already been displaced and damaged beyond cure by its own intrinsic weakness. This is similar to modern medical thinking about slipped discs after car accidents.

In cases of internal pathology causing slipped disc. Ayurveda proposes an exercise-oriented lifestyle as part of preventive therapy. In this regimen, we are particularly stressing proper breathing exercises (pranayama) and mudra-based meditation as part of the daily routine.

The conclusion

In cases of slipped disc related to physical strain, Ayurveda suggests the practice of postural yoga such as Asanas and Pranayamas. For mild slipped discs, Ayurvedic physicians suggest walking in the water or taking a warm bath for about 20 minutes. In cases of severe slipped disc conditions causing body weakness and nerve damage, Ayurvedic texts recommend Vajrasana followed by Kaya Kalpa (massage technique) with oil-based lubricants like sesame seed oil and ghee.

Well, Sukhayu is a known Ayurvedic clinic at Jaipur that provides thorough treatment for acute or chronic slipped disc conditions. We provide structured treatment that can’t be compared with spa treatments at spa centers. We bring total relief to your pain by treating your disease from the root.

Sukhayu will provide you some excellent doctors who will examine the root cause of your problem and will provide daily cure therapies for your complete well-being.

Visit Sukhayu at Jaipur or contact us to discuss your problem and get the best advice from us.