Human body is a machine. The well engineered machine. This machine works better in optimised condition. That is why lifestyle for disc problem patient is important. Once you have some the question rises in mind is- what is the best lifestyle for disc problem patient?
In most of the cases- Don’t move your body, fix it completely. And bad bed rest is suggested. So it is important to understand the basic idea behind the lifestyle for disc problem patient. This knowledge is not only important to understand the lifestyle modalities but also required for everybody of us. Better lifestyle can avoid the slip disc problem. Besides this better lifestyle will ensures proper treatment of the condition.
When we are concerned about treatment of spinal disc problems. It is important to understand that vertebral column is meant for the movements. Any of the human body part will work better when body is working and moving. Lying down in bed or fixing the body parts will certainly lead to the stiffness in the body. This stiffness is the basic cause behind the loss of lordosis and other problems.
As we understand muscles are main causative factor behind the spinal disc problem. And rest is the thing which will make these muscles lazy. Lazy muscles don’t get proper blood supply. Lack of blood supply will cause more stiffness and this freezes the muscles. This is the reason- patients who come to us after long bed rest. They are either stiffened badly to move or bent on a side. So this is never advisable for a disc problem patient to bed rest.
Along with lying down in a bed- sitting, standing or walking for long time is also not good. Because prolonged sitting or standing also gives the same stiffness to the spinal and paraspinal muscles. Certainly, opposite to the complete bed rest- patient is moving. But in such cases muscles are stretched for longer times. In this condition over use of the muscle leads to excessive production of the lactic acid in muscles. This lactic acid freezes the muscles to other extent and problem keeps on increasing, regularly.
This is the reason, at Sukhayu Ayurved, Jaipur when it comes to counsel lifestyle for disc problem patient- we guide them to remain active through out the day. And all these patients are advised to not to be in a same posture for long time.
Whether it is bed rest or wearing a collar and lumbar belt- it is always opposite to the condition. This is like a condition where you car is knocking while driving. And in this condition you are advised to park your car in parking. Certainly- your car won’t show any problems. But how this can help you get rid of the problem. The part of the body which is meant for movement, if it is freezed, it is never a good option.
Collar and Lumbar belt do the same. These aids don’t let the spine to move. This is the reason- body doesn’t show any signs and symptoms.
But these are not the solutions. lifestyle for disc problem patient should be in a way where muscles of patient remain active and their muscles will remain active. This is a crucial part of the treatment for slip disc at Sukhayu Ayurved.
Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma is “Chief Ayurvedic Physician” at Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur. He is an M.D. (Ayurveda) doctor. He is the founder of the “Sukhayu Ayurved” and working with patients clinically since last 15 years. Vaidya Ji is well known for his specialisation in Ayurvedic treatment of different ailments. Among these diseases “To set the slipped disc to normal” is one. Vaidya Dr. Pardeep does it according to the scientific principles of Ayurveda. Under his