Ayurvedic Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

How can you regenerate a dead tissue structure? This is what every surgeon says, when it comes about the reversal of a degenerative disc. But most of the times, in heat of moment, many forgets few basic questions. When we can have the answer of the basic questions about disc, we can better understand Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease.

Here comes the questions about spinal disc!

Is spinal disc is something non living?

Certainly not. If it would have been non living structure- there cannot be degeneration of the same, FOR SURE. Disc is a living structure. Made up of water, proteins, micro-nutrients which come through the endplates of the vertebral bodies to the disc.

If it is living why cannot we stop the progression of decay and cannot reverse the degeneration?

Certainly, we can stop the progressive degeneration of the disc and we can “reverse” the degeneration. Dependancy of reversal is on age, physical condition, causative factors and many other clinical findings.

Ayurveda believes in reconstructing. When we can reassure the supply of nutrition to the nucleus pulposus. It has all capacities for the regeneration. This is the main reason that we are able to provide sure shot Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease.

Why cannot we regenerate the disc? This is partial understanding of the human body with western medicines which never allows us to think beyond a line. Science should work on the opening of passages. But in this commercial era, people are blocking the passages in name of science. We need to revisit the eternal wisdom of Ayurveda to better explore the wellness of human body.

Vaidya Pardeep Sharma on regeneration of spinal disc

Process of Ayurvedic treatment for Degenerating Disc

When we reverse the pathology, we can certainly change the condition. The main problem in case of the degenerative disc disease is the lack of supply to the nucleus pulposus. When we can ensure the complete blood supply, we can rearrange the disc. This is the basic base of the Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease at Sukhayu Ayurved, Jaipur.

In western medicines, physicians and surgeons asks everybody to wait for the further complication of the condition. They keep on waiting for the next condition like- herniated disc or bulged disc. Because in western medicines, they don’t have something to restore the degenerative disc disease.

The main concern behind the Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease is based on few principles, these are-

Restoration of the blood supply to the spinal disc:

This is the main thing we do. Nature of blood vessels, makes our work easy. Because blood arteries are tissues of the body, which regenerate easily. This capacity of the blood arteries around the disc makes our work easy. This we do through external procedures like Lepam (paste of herbs) which we apply with a proper medium.

Managing Endplates

A spinal disc along with endplates of the vertebrae represents Majja Dhatu. Majja is a dhatu, situated between two bones and makes the joint work proper. Panchakarma procedures like Basti are always helpful for this condition. Based on the selection of the medicines for Basti according to involved Doshas, our physicians do the treatment.

Removal of Toxins

This is one of the main concern with us. Where we do remove all the deep seated toxins from the muscles as well as arteries. Once these toxins are flushed out body’s capacity to regenerate works better. Body heals itself in a better way here.

Working on the root cause

Best Successful Ayurvedic Treatment for Degenerative Disc Disease

Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease works well when we remove the root cause behind the problem. For example in case of Mr. Wasim the main problem was his sedentary lifestyle. Because of that he lost his lordosis of spine. Loss of lordosis in spine caused severe pressure on the endplates. Because of this endplates weakened and blood supply to the spinal disc was interrupted. To restore the root cause of lordosis, we did an input of Yoga Asnas too in his case.

About Ayurveda treatment of Degeneration of disc in spine

Certainly you have many queries regarding the disc degeneration in your spine. Lumbar or Cervical, discs can degenerate anywhere. Here are answers for your queries regarding degenerative disc by our senior physician, an Ayurveda expert for spinal disc problems- Vaidya Pardeep Sharma

Is degeneration of a spinal disc can be stopped through Ayurveda?

For Sure! Ayurveda believes in theory of life. The first word in Ayurveda is Life (Ayu). Everything inside human body is living. There is a zeal of human body to live, which Ayurveda treatment evokes this zeal of life in cells. This is the reason Ayurveda believes in replenishment and reconstruction.

Can degenerative disc disease cause paralysis?

Paralysis is not impact of degeneration of the disc. If your degenerated disc is compressing the nerves than only this kind of developments occur.

In which age degenerative disk disorder occurs?

Age is not alone defined by years. Age is about wear and tear human body faces. You can be old enough in young age because of improper diet and lifestyle. Contrary to this you can be very much young in older age.
So this is not exactly years. Therefore nowadays because ageing process is fast and young patients are having conditions like degenerative disc disorder.

What complicates the Degeneration of disc?

Your postures- first. Second is your habit. Smoking or chewing of tobacco complicates the blood supply with in the spine and this further complicates the degeneration of a disc. So you should avoid all the causative factors.

Should I do yoga for Degenerative disc disease?

Ayurveda and Yoga work well together. If you are doing Yoga just like physiotherapy than you are just warming up and your condition will keep on distorting with such activities.
You shouldn’t do any yoga without a medically trained yoga professional- who understands human body properly.

Results of Ayurvedic Treatment at Sukhayu Ayurved for Degenerative Disc Disease

The main thing in any treatment is the success and results. Generally Ayurveda treatment is thought to be just for – Pain management of the condition. But we at Sukhayu Ayurved believe that results mean radiological changes.

Before Treatment

Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease

Before treatment you can see there ate three discs which are affected- L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1.

After Treatment

Reversal of Degenerative disc

After the treatment of the condition all the discs are well hyderated and disc height is normal in all of these.

Success of Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease

Success of any treatment depends on the physician as well as the patient. A physician cannot do everything on behalf of a patient. We are blessed in this issue. Most of the patients we enrolled for the treatment were serious and sincere. This is the reason at Sukhayu we have 95 % results in Ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease.

The main thing in Ayurvedic treatment is to ensure proper follow up. There are few patients who think that we can do the treatment in some 15 to 21 days. But how can it be possible, we are not sure for this. Because treatment is a process. Whether this is the ayurvedic treatment for degenerative disc disease or Ayurvedic treatment for canal stenosis. The follow up and continuation of treatment is must.