L1-L2, L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulge with bilateral nerve root compression was mentioned in MRI. He is working as a soldier in a paramilitary force.  Forces are the core strength of any country. Mr. Dewant Kumar is working soldier in Border Security Forces of INDIA. Because of hectic life, full of physical exercises and activities. Started feeling pain in lower back. He ignored the pain. Because duty was important to him. But soon the same pain kept on increasing and he was neither able to sit or stand. Walking was just impossible for him. He kept on looking for Treatment of L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with spinal canal stenosis, but nothing was working with him.

“Sukhayu is a place where you can get complete treatment for spinal discs and that too for sure. I am able to walk and stand so can you and I highly recommend Sukhayu Ayurveda for spinal problems” Dewant Kumar shared this thought in his video testimony after 15 days treatment. You can watch video down the page.

His L1-L2 spinal disc was affected severely. More higher the spine is affected, more complicated things will be. Due to this numbness started appearing in his legs. Not only his duty but his life was at risk. He knocked on many hospitals and everybody suggested him to go for surgical options. He lost hope. Because he was aware that after surgery, he won’t be able to continue his duties for the nation. In this disheartened state of mind- he contacted Sukhayu Ayurved on 16th May 2013. He joined us with in 10 days and rest is history. So here he started Ayurvedic Treatment of L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with spinal canal stenosis.

L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with spinal canal stenosis

His MRI was really worrisome for our team also. The bulge in L1-L2 was huge and canal available was too less to mention. The spinal canal measured 10 mm only on L1-L2 level. Both nerves were compressed- right and left. This was causing all problems with him.

His MRI readings were-

(1) L1-L2 level: 10 mm space disc desiccation, loss of hight & posterocentral prolapse of L1-L2 IV Disc with spinal canal stenosis & bilateral nerve root compression
(2) bilateral posterior paracentral bulge of L4-L5 IV Disc with bilateral nerve root compression.
(3) Diffuse posterior bulge L5-S1 IV Disc with bilateral nerve root compression

I tried with every place for the treatment of this slip disc condition but at every place I was suggested for the surgical interventions. This or that doctor every small and big name I tried, but everybody suggested me for the surgery. Government and Private sector doctor were of same opinion that I will have to go for surgery for this condition. When asked about complications of surgery, everybody was clueless. Tells Dewant Kumar

So Spinal Canal Stenosis was the result of L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with spinal canal stenosis and that too on a very higher level of the spine that is L1-L2. We took a call on the condition. He was treated with Panchakarma only for 15 days back in 2013.

Even after 5 years of treatment, Mr. Kumar is in touch with us and has proven as an inspiration for many others. He is an inspiration for team Sukhayu too that with positive will and good thoughts a lot can be done through Ayurveda. This cases study of Ayurvedic Treatment of L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with spinal canal stenosis, gave a new vision to team Sukhayu too.

Ayurvedic Treatment of L1-L2, L4-L5, L5-S1 Disc Bulge with Spinal Canal Stenosis

Every doctor suggested me that I will have to bear the pain and I won’t be able to walk like before. Pain will remain with me as it is. This was fear of pain and surgery which brought me to Ayurveda. In search of Ayurvedic treatment for my bulged disc I came to Sukhayu. Tells Mr. Dewant Kumar

When it comes to Ayurveda it seems that Ayurvedic Panchakarma which more or less famous like Ayurvedic Massage, and can only relax muscles. But this case study of Mr. Dewant Kumar proved everyone wrong. He had severe canal stenosis in L1-L2. He had bulged discs too. But Sukhayu treated him without any surgical interventions. Through Ayurveda alone. He is working with a toughest organisation. Where he needs to prove his physical strength again and again. In last 5 years he never had any problems with him.

Here is- what Mr. Dewant had to share with all of us…


Vaidya Pradeep Sharma (MD)

Sukhayu Ayurveda for most trusted Ayurvedic hospital for spinal problems

Sukhay Ayurveda is one of the prime institution of Ayurveda. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers- famously known as NABH under quality council of India- awarded Sukahyu NABH accreditation in year 2017.