Spine curvature is the backbone of the human body. It has three natural curves. These curves all together help to maintain balance when we stand upright. The spine consists of bones, muscles, discs, joints, and ligaments that keep the vertebrae aligned.

Why spine curvature and alignment is important?

The spine is the backbone of the human body. If one or more vertebrae moves out of alignment, then the spine becomes curved or bent. This condition is scoliosis. And it can be due to one side of the body being stronger than the other. A problem with muscle tone, bone issues like osteoporosis or compression fractures in vertebrae which are because of- aging, trauma from an accident or sports injury that forces joints out of alignment.

The consequences?

A person’s lifestyle might suffer because they experience back pain. And if untreated this chronic pain may lead to arthritis as well as going through depression leading to a lack of motivation for doing anything at all. The spinal cord carries messages between your brain and different parts of your body. Imagine how much difficulty you would have lived without feeling properly in some part of your life.

The normal curvature of the spine is lordosis. In most of the MRIs, you can find the first line- Loss of Lordosis. But it goes unnoticed by surgeons. Because surgeons don’t have anything to help you with this.

Poor sitting posture when working

Upper back pain, which can lead to a rounded spine and sitting in an unnatural position as the person attempts to alleviate discomfort. This is often combined with poor breathing habits such as shallow breathing or holding the chest still instead of using full exhalation.

No need to buy a treadmill-cum-desktop. Here are the tips which can help you to maintain your spinal health even while sitting in chair- How to keep your spine healthy while sitting in chair.

High Heels

Wearing high heels for long periods of time without breaks may also contribute to curved spines. This happens because of forcing one foot at a time into a “toe stand” for extended periods of time. The prolonged pressure on the ball and toes forces many people’s calf muscles up onto their Achilles tendon due to gravity pulling down. This causes strained thigh muscle groups, knee joint areas, iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome, patellar tendonitis, and other knee-related problems.

Specially in case of sciatica, your high-heels can lead to complications. Besides your high heels- there are certain other causes you should know about- What makes sciatica worse?

Obesity and Overweight

Excess weight can also lead to a curved spine due to the body’s center of gravity shifting forward when carrying excess pounds around the midsection. This shifts more weight onto one leg than another. An unbalanced distribution causes muscle imbalances. Over time which may increase stress on joints such as hips or knees. Which finally leads to pain and long-term wear in those areas.

Improper way of Breathing

Improper breathing often leads people into bad postures as they try to support themselves by using their chest muscles instead of engaging back muscles–often combined with shallow breaths not utilizing full exhalation; this further contributes to neck strain/cramps from hunched shoulders while attempting to maintain head movement.

Lying on the back

Lying on the back for long periods of time, such as in bed or while watching TV. This may lead to a “swayback” posture from leaning too far forward and rounding out the spine over time. Sleeping with a pillow under your head also puts pressure on discs in vertebrae. That can contribute to neck pain by causing them to bulge outward due to improper spinal alignment. When lifting heavy objects–excess weight does not cause curved spines but it is still important to maintain proper postures during work/daily living habits. Since even small changes can have an effect over time. This can eventually lead people into bad sitting positions where they often find themselves slouching or rounded forward. This happens because their body learns how best to relieve pain.

Many patients tell – lying on the back can help them to avoid surgery. And I always comment, surgery is not required always with bulged discs. Once you should confirm- do you really need surgery for your bulged disc?

You share your MRI report by clicking the WhatsApp link below. And my medical team will assist you.

Injury to the spine

Upper body injury such as from a car accident or sports-related injury. This may lead to injuries of nerves, muscles and joints in the upper back area which can cause fatigue over time by affecting muscle groups that are important for maintaining proper posture/body alignment while sitting at work–this is one reason why patients with chronic pain often report feeling worse after a period of rest.

Bad Posture

Bad postures combined with stress both during work and outside of it (such as driving) creates tension where there was not any before. This also leads people into bad habits like slouching forward. When we tire. Our bodies learn how best to relieve discomfort through repetitive motions. Rather than engaging muscles for support. It’s important to remember that these habits can create long-term problems by altering muscle memory over time. This is one way chronic pain can create even if the root cause isn’t an injury.

Inactivity for long times

Inactivity for extended periods of time, such as from not moving during lunch breaks or sitting at home on a computer all day.

This is the most reason why during Lockdown due to COVID in 2020 and 2021 these problems with the spine are increasing by leaps and bounds.

This leads to poor circulation and tightness in muscles that make it difficult to properly maintain posture or support themselves when tired. People who are inactive often have trouble maintaining balance which may contribute to postural issues through their bodies leaning forward/rounding out due to gravity pulling them down more than someone with good upper body strength would experience.

Overuse of Mobile

Excessive use of mobile devices/computers for work or leisure. This can lead to neck and back strain due to head positioning in looking down at a computer screen, as well as an altered posture that leads people into bad habits where they often slouch forward when sitting. This also causes tightness from not using upper body muscles for support which could lead them into rounded postures over time if left unchecked–this is one-way chronic pain may be created even without injury.

Hormonal Changes

Changes in hormone levels, such as from puberty or peri/menopause; can lead to increased inflammation which may contribute to pain after a period of time. This is also one-way chronic pain without injury could be created since higher levels of estrogen are often associated with changes in the brain’s chemistry that cause more sensitivity and reactivity–some people experience this differently depending on their body type so it’s important for them to pay attention to any changes they notice over time and seek medical help when necessary.

Yes, these all are the ways to keep your spine curvature correct.

But if your spine has lost its curvature, Ayurveda is the hope for you. You need to take care of the above things. But these things are the least helpful to handle and recurve the spine. To recurve the spine to its natural and normal posture, you should opt for the three-dimensional approach of Vaidya Pardeep.

We soften the muscles and along with that Dr. Vinay, our Yoga expert guides you to re-establish the spine’s natural curvature through Yoga Asanas.

All this happens in a very positive and personalized way.

And yes, we correct the spine curvature, this is the reason we bring back the discs in their normal place.

Vaidya Pradeep Sharma (MD)

Sukhayu Ayurveda for most trusted Ayurvedic hospital for spinal problems

Sukhay Ayurveda is one of the prime institution of Ayurveda. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers- famously known as NABH under quality council of India- awarded Sukahyu NABH accreditation in year 2017.