If you won’t go for surgery you will paralyse. This statement can fear anybody. Same happened with Mr. Rameshbhai Amrutiya ji. Doctors told that because of C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy if he won’t go for immediate surgical intervention, things will complicate and you might lead to complete paralysis. This fear of paralysis, can convince anybody to everybody. He went for surgery. Surgery didn’t answer the problem. Problem what he was facing due to C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy. He already tried with allopathy, underwent surgery but results were negative. So after loosing hopes he decided to come to Jaipur for Ayurvedic treatment of C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy.

C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy

Ayurvedic treatment of C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical MyelopathyThe journey for the treatment of Rameshbhai was just a puzzle for him. On one end he was hopeful that Ayurvedic treatment will help him to get rid of the C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy. On other side he had tried the surgery with one of the finest surgeons and was carrying implants inside. He was passing through ups and downs. But after the treatment of 10 days he first got the signs of relief.

The main things he was suffering was-

  • Inability to walk
  • Imbalance while standing up
  • Hardness to move hands
  • Muscular tightness in chest
  • Regular heaviness in the abdomen

The first relief through Ayurvedic treatment of C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy in his condition was- easiness in chest and abdomen. Counting on positive things helped Rameshbhai to recover properly.

MRI of Mr. Rameshbhai was reading the following-

There is compression of ventral surface of cervical spinal cord from posterior disc osteophyte complexes at C5-C6 & C6-C7 level resulting T2 hyperintense intramedullary signals from C5-C6 level to mid body of D1 vertebrae, s/o cervical myelopathy.

There were many other things to be noticed in this case through MRI these were-

Wherever patient went for the treatment, they only checked the Myelopathy of C5-C6 and C6-C7 but never looked at the cause of the problem. This was the reason of failure of the treatment in his case.

Ayurvedic treatment of C5-C6, C6-C7 Cervical Disc Herniation With Cervical Myelopathy

The main aim of the treatment was to work on the different issues, thus we worked on the treatment of spondylitis and lordosis other than to work on the specific discs of the spine.

Basti and Nasya treatment worked well int this condition. We were aware that these two should not go together. But condition of patient gave us the way to work in this ay alone. We tried, patient cooperated and these results are here in his video testimonials…


Vaidya Pradeep Sharma (MD)

Sukhayu Ayurveda for most trusted Ayurvedic hospital for spinal problems

Sukhay Ayurveda is one of the prime institution of Ayurveda. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers- famously known as NABH under quality council of India- awarded Sukahyu NABH accreditation in year 2017.