Symptoms of Spinal Disc Problem

Where a disc is bulged in the spine will decide the signs and symptoms of that bulged/herniated disc. Because every spinal disc is located in a specific location thus, there will be different symptoms of the spinal disc problem. Certainly, how much pressure a disc is exerting on the nerves will decide the severity of the problem. Minor compression results in minor symptoms and major compression can cause disability in patients. So here are the different symptoms of spinal disc problem as per the location of the disc-

Symptoms of Cervical Disc Problem : Cervical Spine

This condition can appear right from C2-C3 disc to C6-C7 disc. These symptoms of Spinal Disc Problem vary according to the involvement of the disc.

C1-C2 Cervical Problem :

This level of the cervical spine gives rise to C2 nerve root. There is no disc at this level but a nerve can be trapped here and it gives the following symptoms.  Symptoms are referred as  Occipital Neuralgia.

  • Aching, burning, and throbbing pain that starts from base of the head and radiates to the scalp
  • Pain in half or complete head- Migraine patterns
  • Pain behind the eye
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to sound
  • Slurred speech
  • Pain when moving the neck
  • Difficulty with balance and coordination
  • Tender scalp
  • Nausea and/or vomiting

Due to these symptoms, occipital neuralgia is often confused with Migraine and later on when treatment doesn’t respond- they refer the patient to psychologists too. At Sukhayu we have seen dozens of these patients, these patients were referred as psychologically disturbed patients because no confirmative diagnosis was possible with any physicians. We do have best ayurvedic treatment for occipital neuralgia through panchakarma.

C2-C3 Cervical Disc Problem :

This is the C3 nerve root. Compression of the same gives different symptoms.

  • Headache- on one side or either side of the posterior parts heads. When headache on one side- this condition is confused with migraine.
  • Burning, heaviness or numbness in the head.
  • Giddiness
  • Heaviness in the eyes (mostly this mimics with problems of eye.
  • Sound in ears (Tinnitus)

C3-C4 Cervical Disc Problem:

C4 is the nerve root from this segment of the cervical spine. This nerve supplies the shoulder one the upper side and on the lower end it also controls the diaphragm (the sheath between lungs and rest of abdomen). This nerve root can confuse with a lot of symptoms all over the body.

Due to involvement of Diaphragm and respiratory muscles, a patient feels uneasiness in breathing. Along with this, the pain on the shoulder land many in emergency for cardiac condition.

C4-C5 Cervical Disc Problem

When the fifth cervical never is compressed because of the C4-C5 spinal disc problem, it can produce symptoms of localised pain, radiating pain, tingling, numbness or muscle weakness in the following areas:

  • The Collar bone- clavicle
  • Top part of the shoulder
  • On sides of the arm from the shoulder to the hand
  • Thumb or index finger
  • Front side of the hand

C5-C6  Cervical Disc Problem

The great biceps- point of the strength gets supply from the C6 nerves therefore the disc compression on this level leads to weakness and pain in biceps muscle. Beside this the extension of the wrist joint also comes from the C6 nerve- which originates at the level of C5-C6 disc. Same pain can radiate to the thumb and fingers too.

C6-C7 Cervical Disc Problem

Cervical radiculopathy is the most common symptom of the nerve compression due to C6-C7 spinal disc problem- herniation or protrusion. The C6-C7 disc problem leads to –

  • Shock-like pain in the upper arm
  • Burning sensation or pain in upper limb
  • Pins-and-needles along with tingling sensation
  • Numbness, which may or may not include tingling
  • Weakness, which could affect shoulder, arm, and/or hand strength

These all signs and symptoms are wide spread in the whole upper arm, specially on backside of upper and forearm.

C7-T1 Cervical Disc Problem

A herniation or protrusion of the C7-T1 cervical disc can cause weakness with handgrip- means you will feel problem in holding the things. Along with this weakness numbness and tingling and pain can radiate down the arm to the little finger side of hand. This level of the cervical makes a junction with the thoracic vertebrae. Thus it has a great importance clinically. Cervical myelopathy is also a common condition which can appear in C4-C5 to C7-T1 region. Symptoms of the cervical myelopathy will be visible on the whole body.

Symptoms of nerve root compression in the cervical spine can include pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in the neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Spinal cord compression in the cervical spine can result in myelopathy, a group of symptoms that can include difficulty walking, a feeling of heaviness in the legs and loss of fine motor skills in the fingers.

Thoracic bulging disc

The thoracic area of the spine spans from the collar bone to the end of the rib cage and consists of 12 vertebrae. Bulging discs are less common in the thoracic region, but when they do occur, the symptoms can include pain in the upper back that sometimes radiates to the chest or stomach. The nature of these symptoms can lead a patient to incorrectly suspect a problem with the heart, lungs or gastrointestinal tract, so it is important to promptly consult with a physician to obtain an accurate diagnosis.

Lumbar bulging disc

Spanning from the waist to the hips, the lumbar region of the spine includes five, or sometimes six, vertebrae. Lumbar disc problems are a widespread cause of lower back pain, which can be dull, sharp or burning and radiate to the hips, buttocks, legs and feet. Lumbar bulging discs can also result in weakness, numbness and tingling in the legs, as well as muscle spasms. Symptoms of a lumbar bulging disc can worsen with coughing, sneezing and bending. When a lumbar bulging disc exerts pressure on the sciatic nerve, the resulting symptoms are commonly referred to as sciatica. In rare cases, patients with a lumbar bulging disc might experience a loss of bladder or bowel control. If this happens, the patient should go to the emergency room immediately, as bladder or bowel incontinence can indicate cauda equina syndrome, a condition requiring immediate surgery.