Slip Disc Treatment Vs Lifestyle

Different patients come for slip disc treatment, bulged disc and degenerative discs every day to us at Sukhayu Ayurveda. We have treated a professional cricketer, a long jump athlete, a soldier, a sprinter and a wrestler too!! They were physically active and were doing a lot of exercises. Thus we can count that they might have faced some injuries during their professional routines. But contrary to this we have treated patients who are- teachers, lecturers, musicians, chefs and just students. This category never worked hard. They were just sitting in the chair.

Surprisingly few just kicked their motor-bikes and got the slip disc and one of the patients he just had a strong sneeze and that lead him to disc herniation. The slip disc treatment of all these were planned in a better way and scientifically. If you will see from outside- it is hard to comment that what was the difference in their treatment of slip disc. Because as an Ayurvedic organisation we work more on subtle things, not gross things.

So it is very hard to comment on the lifestyle cause behind these patients. But regular observation and experience taught us a lot about the causes behind the slip disc. This helps us always to give best results in slip disc treatment.

Slip Disc treatment according to Lifestyle

Is it possible to treat all cases with same approach? When a professional cricketer and a teacher comes for treatment at same time for slip disc treatment, it is important to discriminate that what exactly we are going to do in the treatment. This is the first step we follow at Sukhayu Ayurved. There are generally three types of the cases of slip disc-

Slip disc due to Sedentary Lifestyle:

These are cases where patient hardly moves through out the day and stay in chair for hours. They have stiffed muscles because of slouching or because of the prolonged postures. These cases needs removal of lactic acids from the muscles. Mr. Kumar’s Case of Slip Disc is an example for this condition. In his case we did a lot of efforts in relaxing the muscles before moving to Yoga part of the treatment. Because he was an IT professional thus he was sitting in chair for hours and hours. In his case the use of Swedapaga Dravyas in the lepam proved a boon for us.

This kind of intervention in treatments is possible after a keen observation. It doesn’t come spontaneously. This is core strength of the Sukhayu’s team who decide the slip disc treatment’s action plan.

Slip disc due to Excessive Exertion

In such type of cases the main problem is injury. Until unless it is not a case of Spondyolisthesis– slip disc treatment of such cases is done through an approach where we work on reconstruction of the muscle fibres. Basti with some dravyas which can reconstruct the muscles is a basic approach in all such cases. Because these are the conditions where exertion has lead to the problems in the spine. Sepoy in Border Security officer Mr. Sharma is a case who was treated years back with same approach in a young age and he is doing well till date.

Slip Disc due to Just Posture

These are young patients mostly. Imbalanced while sitting and working or studying is the main reason for this kind of problems. In such cases Panchakarma is not that useful, here Yoga is the force. Mr. Shakti Singh was treated with this approach. Mr. Singh lost the curvature of the spine because of the posture during studies. These cases also come in older ages, where they sit in an improper way.

Slip disc due to Injury

Injury comes late in the list. There are only cases where injury is a reason. Mr. Karan came to us with a very bad injury. He was bent on the forward side. Few steps were a challenge for him. Here Bruhman Bastis, with healing process was the main tool for treatment.

In case of crushed vertebrae or severe fracture we don’t take the case!!

Ageing caused slip disc

The world is ageing very fast. Ageing decays the body. Decaying body always has degenerated discs inside. These degenerated discs starts bulging immediately in an age. Mr. Soni had the same condition in the cervical discs. In such cases the Panchakarma with anti-ageing Rasayanas are the core of the treatment.

Scientific Slip Disc Treatment

We don’t do the Ayurvedic treatment blindly. We do follow proper science while doing slip disc treatment. All conditions are accessed properly and after complete examination treatment is planned. You can get proper slip disc treatment at Sukhayu Ayurved under the expert Vaidyas of Ayurveda.