There are million of Youtube Videos telling how to fix the slip disc at home. Thousands of these are sharing the tit-bits about slip disc treatment at home. One vide talked about making something of aloe vera pulp, the other one talks about mixture of herbs. Then being the eldest in Ayurveda world and after working extensively on Ayurvedic treatment of slip disc, it seems like a duty to talk about hazardous impacts of the thought like slip disc treatment at home.

Slip Disc is Common

Some people experience neck or back pain as a severe problem but for many, the pain lingers becoming agony of almost impossible to bear. Neck and back pain always shows some atypical pathologies. The simple pain which you have watched several times in a TV AD like Uhh se Ahh might not be the case with you. As per the data today the most common disorder presenting the spinal surgilance is a herniated or prolapsed intervertebral disc. Germany declared these conditions like – a common man’s disease even.

In these cases, the disc alters or ruptures either partially or totally and presses on the nerve root on the spinal canal. This causes cramping and sickening pain. There are different levels of pain and can be felt on the surface of the body. So, receiving good pain treatment is very important.

Why not? Slip Disc Treatment at Home

People are normally not willing to go for surgical treatments as there are risks in it. Also, we don’t generally realise that it is a slipped disc pain, and try to sort the problem ourselves. We end up using home remedies recommended by our friends, relatives, or through internet. This is the point where journey for slip disc treatment at home starts. Using such techniques can be harmful sometimes as they may lead to allergy and irritation. These slip disc treatment at home are often endorsed as safe-to-use and free from side effects. There may be problems in your spine today; tomorrow it may be an extended one. It may stop your movements completely.

Unfortunately, most people don’t ever realise the existence of their slipped disc or disc herniation. When a mysterious pain occurs, they think its general and try home remedies to treat it.  Even if they suspect the cause of the pain, they still try treatment at home to recover fast and easy.

Risks of Slip Disc Treatment at Home

But does home remedy really works? What if some of them cause more harm than any good to you?

There is a usual misinterpretation that home remedies are harmless. Because they are natural products sold over the counter but this is not the case. Uncovering the causes of some complexities may be strenuous, as plenty of people, during a standard medical history, do not think about home remedies worth mentioning along with the conventional medications they take. Some people may also be embarrassed to admit to a doctor that they are taking home remedies instead of more conventional medicines.

Some herbal intake could cause poisoning without consultation with your ayurveda doctor. In such cases home remedies side effects could be dangerous. Studies have shown that some of the plants had diverse effects and harmed causing liver damage. You may try certain posture at home and end up with more pain and hurt. Every individual has a different body. Some home remedies may be effective but for some it may be damaging. So, consult a well educated physician (of any stream) before you go for such remedies.

Not only sciatica, for every treatment you need to consult an expert.  As an ayurveda specialist we suggest that a person should go for qualified ayurveda treatment first before trying at home. An experienced doctor in order to effectively support the services provided, weekly progress notes are recommended to spotlight the benefits of skilled therapy involvement, while concurrently recognising the progress made by the patient as a result of the skilled intervention.

You can try home remedies but before that talk to your doctor and especially an ayurveda therapist as it requires the expertise, knowledge, and abilities of a therapist. So, why would you not support the skilled treatment being provided?

Vaidya Pradeep Sharma (MD)

Sukhayu Ayurveda for most trusted Ayurvedic hospital for spinal problems

Sukhay Ayurveda is one of the prime institution of Ayurveda. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers- famously known as NABH under quality council of India- awarded Sukahyu NABH accreditation in year 2017.

Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma is "Chief Ayurvedic Physician" at Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur. He is an M.D. (Ayurveda) doctor. He is the founder of the "Sukhayu Ayurved" and working with patients clinically since last 15 years. Vaidya Ji is well known for his specialisation in Ayurvedic treatment of different ailments. Among these diseases "To set the slipped disc to normal" is one. Vaidya Dr. Pardeep does it according to the scientific principles of Ayurveda. Under his