When do you know that one of your discs from the spine has been slipped off from its original position? Here are some conditions and cases, as per our knowledge and these are different from low back and neck. First let’s talk about the neck; it’s more upper and closer to the brain! So the disc problem symptoms are important to know, to understand the condition.
Giddiness, Pain travelling in the arms, pain and tenderness in the cardiac region of chest and certainly you can have numbness and tingling sensations in your hands- all this is not about any of the heart problems, always! These are the most common signs and disc problem symptoms of the cervical disc compression and in most the cases patients reached to us with some complaints of cardiac problems in all such cases.
Besides this other patients start feeling that they have something in their brain and they would have gone for MRI or CAT SCAN of Brain for the same condition because of severe headache and giddiness with some nausea along with these!
Why does the pain reflect on the different locations?
When the disc compresses any segment of the spinal cord or one of the nerves emerging from the part, the nerve will carry the sensation, without any external trigger for the pain or burning sensation in the area, supplied by that part of the spine or corresponding nerves. Certainly, if nerves are tingling these will affect the muscles for sure, supplied by the same nerves.
When this condition appears in neck, it will affect the parts supplied by the cervical nerves which emerge from between – C1-C2/ C2-C3/ C4-C4/ C4-C5/ C5-C6/C6-C7/C7-C8 or C8-T1 vertebral bodies. These nerves from cervical region supplies to the muscles of head, upper back, arms, neck itself, chest region and sides of the chest. So wherever the supply goes, pain appears in the corresponding regions.
The disc problem symptoms of a herniated disc: symptoms will be according to the location. The mostly affected areas are cervical region (neck); and lumber region (lower back).
You can find the details about the disc problem symptoms in detail according to the different locations of Cervical Region:
Same is the story of the lower back well known as Lumbar Region or Lumbo-sacral region of the spine. Nerves emerging from the lumbar region, supply to the lower limbs up to the toe, lower back. Basically there are L1-L2/L2-L3/L3-L4/L4-L5 and L5-S1 discs from where the nerves emerge. So disc problem symptoms can vary according to the location of compression of the disc. Still the common symptoms are as follows-
Depending on the nerve affected by the herniated disc the location of above said disc problem symptoms will differ and not surprisingly, both the areas of the spine might be effected at a single time, because vertebral column is a unit, certainly it will behave like a unit. Here are the links which will lead you to the disc problem symptoms according to the location of the disc in lumbar region–
Vaidya Dr. Pardeep Sharma is “Chief Ayurvedic Physician” at Sukhayu Ayurved Jaipur. He is an M.D. (Ayurveda) doctor. He is the founder of the “Sukhayu Ayurved” and working with patients clinically since last 15 years. Vaidya Ji is well known for his specialisation in Ayurvedic treatment of different ailments. Among these diseases “To set the slipped disc to normal” is one. Vaidya Dr. Pardeep does it according to the scientific principles of Ayurveda. Under his