After a long day, we all are tired and want to sit in a chair for relaxing. But if we do so then we should not neglect the health of the spine. That comes under fire too while seated in the same position. Sometimes, sitting after many hours can worsen our back pain which makes life tough and unpleasant.
It is very much important to have knowledge about furniture ergonomics which can maintain your health as well as build up a facility to work more efficiently. To add more comforts in this situation, you need some simple tips given here. These can protect your spine and make it relaxed even when you spend long hours sitting on a chair.

Adjust chair height
Adjusting Chair Height The first thing to take care of is to adjust the chair height. Adjust it according to the reach of your both arms and thighs with your working table.
Check your working posture
A person should have the right posture when sits on a chair for a long time. This is the main thing to avoid back pain. It is necessary that your elbow should be at 90 degrees angle while resting against the desk. And your leg must be in such a position that knees are the same level as hips or slightly more down than the hips. You cannot sit straight; rather sitting forward makes additional pressure on the spine which gives you great trouble after some hours of work.
Use armrests
Armrests are very important for office personnel who spend many hours daily in front of the computer. So don’t ignore their importance. The wider armrest is best for the office workers who may benefit from them.
The surged or slouched – shoulders put extra pressure on the muscles and lead us to cervical spine injuries. The most common site of cervical disc herniation is- C5-C6. In my clinical practices, almost 80% of patients come from an IT background, where they work for hours on computers.
Sit properly
Don’t needlessly twist and turn your body In order to move the chair, you should not needlessly twist and turn, rather you can give an extra push for shifting your weight on the buttock while moving back of the chair.
Generally when someone asks me “how to sit in a chair”. I answer calmly- like a human being. Don’t do Yoga in the chair.
The Foam to Support your back
Don’t use any high-density foam cushions High-density foam cushions cannot be comfortable for a long time so it is advisable that one must avoid using such cushions during sitting on chairs. Those who have back problems or suffer from pain should especially keep away from this kind of cushion.
Keep oneself busy in work
The great thing is that when we engage in some work. Then we quickly forget about our discomfort whether it’s neck pain or lower back pain. So it is advisable to keep oneself busy at work while sitting in a chair that can give great relief and give your back time to recover.
When you rest in bed with peace, you stress a lot. And these negative hormones start punishing the body and complicates the whole thing.
Walk at regular intervals
While working on computers for a long time, the leg gets stiff. And this clogs the arteries. This causes various health problems but if you walk regularly then blood flow will be normal and the leg will not get stiff so quickly. After every 30 minutes of continuous sitting on the chair stand up for some interval and try to remain as active as you can because when we sit in the same position continuously then body parts like hips, thighs, spine and lower back become immovable after some time which makes them one of the most affected areas by back pain very soon.
Don’t go too far. Just a few steps within your office can help you a lot in managing the health of the spine.
Don’t lean back too far
Leaning back is not a healthy posture, neither it gives any relief but rather causes pain and trouble due to the wrong movement of the hip which increases tension in the lower back. Avoid leaning back in the chair because when you lean backward, it can put pressure on your spine which does not go down for many hours in this position which makes cause great damage to health.
Keep shoulders relaxed and close to each other
It is obvious that the shoulders are one of the most affected parts by lower back pain. So those who are sitting at the desk should always try to keep their shoulders relaxed and close to each other as much as possible. They should vertically align avoiding shoulder injuries that occur due to bad postures.
Holding the phone between ear and shoulder and using the keyboards is never advisable. It hurts the neck more than the sudden injury.
Don’t sit on Edge of the chair
When we sit on the edge of a chair, it puts more pressure on the hip and thighs and also affects the back badly. So always try to avoid sitting on the edge which is not a healthy posture.
More the under-thigh support lesser will be the stiffness and injury in the back. Check your sitting posture once again and it will ensure your spine health.
Using Lumbar roll
While working for long hours in the office you should use a lumbar roll because it can help your back remain painless and relaxed when you are sitting in front of a computer or desk working continuously for long hours without taking breaks.
Never lean back when using office chairs
If you want to use office chairs in a proper way then never lean back because it can put pressure on the spine and hips which are most affected areas by long hours of sitting in front of computers or desk works.
Use large sized inflatable lumbar support
After using the lumbar roll, the inflatable pillow is also advisable because it gives good support to the lower back and keeps it relaxed. Using such a pillow will give you strength and courage to sit more in the chair.
For me, most of the chairs are well designed. I believe in engineers. Chairs come with ergonomics. And in name of correction of posture, we just “ruin” this ergonomics and certainly, it leads to a complicated back injury.
Adjust your workplace accordingly
If you are using a computer, then make sure that the monitor of your computer must be adjustable according to the height of the user so that can look upon it without any pain or discomfort. Also, the desk should be adjusted accordingly so that they are comfortable for elbow position while working at computer or table.
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Take breaks between work
Sitting for long hours in front of computer or desk is one of the main reason behind poor health and lack of concentration but if you take short break after every hour then your body can relax for some time which will help you to get rid of tiredness so that you can continue working without any tension.
Changing your posture every 30 minutes
While working in front of a computer for long hours it is necessary to change your posture every 30 minutes because it will keep body parts relax after getting tired due to the same posture which affects you badly and cause back pain very soon. So, try to follow this tip which can help you feel more comfortable while sitting on the chair for long hours without taking a break.
Stand up when phone rings
When the phone rings don’t try to pick it from the table or nearby seat rather stand up and walk few steps towards the desk then pick it up from there which will help the hips and back remain relaxed during talking because standing puts less pressure on them than sitting for long hours.
Don’t use office chairs for more than 8 hours while working
If you are sitting in front of the computer or desk works for more than 8 hours then it is better to take short breaks after every one hour which can help your back remain to relax and also help you refresh yourself from tiredness so that you can continue working without any problem.
Take vacations frequently
Taking breaks on regular basis will keep your body remain relaxed and healthy which will let you feel fresh when you again start working but it is necessary that users should take vacations frequently so that he/she should be far away from work stress because it is not possible to have a pause until an employee does not go on leave.
Perform Yoga to keep back pain at bay
According to a recent study, it has been proved that performing yoga regularly helps a great deal in keep patients with chronic back pain at bay which also helps your muscles remain relaxed and flexible because yoga is based on stretching, bending, and twisting which helps relax stressed muscles. So try performing simple asanas daily before going to bed so that you can feel more comfortable during sleeping hours without feeling any pain in the back so that you can have sound sleep without feeling any tension.
Don’t forget to share these tips with your near and dear ones if they are suffering from back pain even when they sit in a chair for more than two hours at a stretch. It’s because the reason sometimes due to lack of knowledge and awareness people ignore minor issues which can turn into chronic back pain.
So, try to follow these easy tips which are given below for proper guidance so that you can stay as healthy as possible without any tension of having back pain when you sit in a chair for long hours at a stretch.