Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

In medical world, there are certainly some stories which encourage you. Encouragement is core of treatment. Because it brings a lot of faith and confidence. When we were working on different cases, we found that patients who were carrying faith were easy to treat. So herniated disc recovery stories are important for all you patients there who suffer from pain, disability and discomfort since years and years.

Because we are treating the spinal disc problems through Ayurveda, Panchakarma and Yoga, we have number of stories of patients suffering from herniated discs and their testimonials. Here are 100s of true stories of these patients with herniated disc, bulged disc and other spinal disc problems.

Few of these patients are also 10 years old – means they were treated at Sukhayu Ayurved some 10 years back.

Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

Here are some cases where herniated disc recovery was wonderful and these patients were relived completely upto the category of cure of the problem. Basically these cases inspired us. Motivated us. They gave a free hand to us for making some good decisions. These are the people who made Sukhayu Ayurved a best place of Ayurveda for spinal disc problems.

They all were suffering with pain. For some pain was like burning and in some it was piercing pain. Few were complaining for heaviness in legs. Others were dependant on other for a small walk. Wheelchairs, stretchers, walkers there were many things what they all have used.

Surgery was the only hope for all of them. But Ayurved and ancient science. Age old System. Which was alternative for the others. Became the best system for all of them. Ayurveda rescued them. They avoided surgeries. Few were told for lumbar surgery and others were told for cervical. But nobody was sure (even the surgeons) whether these patients will walk again normally or not?

Their discs returned to the normal places. Few were treated 11 years back too. Few are recent but not new. We take almost 10 to 12 months before we publish a story or share a testimonial of a patients. This is the reason we have few stories in emails only and few were on videos.

Lumbar Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

  1. Govind Narayan
  2. Dewant Sharma
  3. Prakash Sharma
  4. Vikas Gupta
  5. Shiv Snovania
  6. Peter
  7. Anju Sharma
  8. Yunus Khan
  9. Rajubhai Patel
  10. Karan
  11. Manish Arora
  12. Mohan Lal Sharma
  13. Asharam Sharma
  14. Rameshbhai Patel
  15. Akhilesh Singh
  16. Harihar prasad
  17. Deepak Sharma
  18. Girija Sharma
  19. Mukesh Maurya
  20. Ripudaman Singh
  21. Sumer Pal Singh
  22. Vinod, Gorakhpur
  23. Schin Khatri
  24. Patient of L4-L5, L5-S1 Herniated disc with compression in bilateral neural foramina
  25. A prominent disk bulge at L3-L4, L5-L5 and L5-S1
  26. Herniated disc at L2-L3 level 
  27. Herniated Discs at L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels along with spinal stenosis
  28. Disc buldge from L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5- pain radiating in the lower extremities along with numbness
  29. Protrusion of intervertebral disc at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels along with tear in posterior  annular ligament and hardening of the ligamentum flavum
  30. Bulged disc in L4-L5 and L5-S1 level with thecal sac comression
  31. Discogenic Changes L4-L5 & L5-S1 (Balkar Kamboj)
  32. amarbuttar@googlemail.com
  33. L4-L5 Intervertebral Disc: Posterior annular tear diffuse disc bulge with left paracentral protrusion narrowing left lateral recess with compression of left traversing nerve root. (Dilbag Singh)
  34. vardhmanprints@yahoo.com
  35. Posterocentral protrusion of L4-L5 disc, ligamentum flavum thickening and facetal arthropathy mildly impinging on bilateral neural foramina.
    Concerntric Bulge with left paracentral extrusion of L5-S1 disc, mild bilateral facetal arthropathy moderately compressing left lateral recess, traversing left S1 nerve root with mild compression on bilateral neural foramina and central Canal. (Satyanarayan Kishangarh)
  36. L4-L5 disc level there is a broad based diffuse disc bulge with a large central/right paracentral disc protrusion in conjunction with ligamentum flavum thickening and facet joint degenerative changes causing severe stenosis of spinal canal with comparison of caud equina nerve roots. Also narrowing of both lateral recesses with impingement of traversing nerve roots.  (Wasim)
  37. Extruded and Herniated Disc from L2-L3, L3-L4, L4-L5 and L5-S1 (Pravesh Kumar)
  38. Ashok Singh (MP)
  39. Pallav Chaudhary
  40. Virendra Jangir

Cervical Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

  1. Prolapsed disc C5 & herniated disc C6&7 (Victoria Bird)
  2. Posterior Bulge of C4-C5, C5-C6 i.v. disc indenting slightly on thecal sac with mildly bulged C3-C4 iv disc (622kumarmukesh@gmail.com)
  3. C3-C4 and C4-C5 intervertebral discs show tiny posterocentral protrusion abutting anterior thecal sac. C5-C6 intervertevral disc shows right paractentral protrusion abutting the spinal cord and right transversing nerve root. (anilsawant1981@gmail.com)
  4. C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7 there is a broad based disc herniation protrusion type at the left paracentral region this effaces the anterior subarchanoid space and indents the ventral aspect of the cord. (Gurdeep Dutta)
  5. Disc herniation both in  C6-7 neck and L4-5 (Vardhan)
  6. Asim Exports
  7.  Loss of cervical lordosis, C4- C5/ C5-C6 posterior disc osteophyte complex, indenting anterior thecal sac, causing mild to moderate narrowing of B/L neural foramina and contacting left C6 exiting nerve
    root.{ HappyNath9@gmail.com }
  8. Disc hight Reduced at C5-C6 and C6-C7 levels. Mild central disc bulge at C5- C6 level. Diffuse asymmetric circumferential disc bulge is seen at C6-C7 level indenting anterior thecal sac and right lateral recess. { upadhyaydeepa108@gmail.com }
  9. Central and left paracentral disc protrusion at C4-C5 level causing left emerging nerve root impingement central and bilateral paracentral disc protrusion is noted at C5-C6 level causing thecal compression.{newardipak3000@gmail.com }
  10. Mild changes of cervical spondylosis with degenerative disc disease. C5-C6 revels diffuse posterior bulge causing mild indentation on anterior thecal sac. {hunnytarar750@gmail.com}
  11. Disc dessication and peridiscal osteophytes in cervical and dorsal spine mild posterior disc bulge at C5 -C6 & C6-C7 level causing indentation over anterior subarachnoid space without any cord compression. {rakhibadmal80@gmail.com}

Lumbar and Cervical Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

Spinal Canal Stenosis Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

  1. Annular disc bulge with broad based central, bilateral paracentral disc protrusion is seen at L4-L5 level causing thecal sac compression, bilateral lateral recess narrowing (right>left) & Secondary discogenic Canal Stenosis. (uday.lokhande18@gmail.com)
  2. Interval worsening of a moderate broad based posterior annular disc bulge at L4-L5 with a superimposed disc protrusion. This causes severe canal stenosis  Govind Bundawala
  3. L4-L5 disc diffuse posterior bulge with posterocentral prolapsed causing compression of bilateral existing nerve root and thecal sac. L2-L3, L5-S1 discs diffused posterior bulges causing bilateral neural foramina narrowing. Spinal canal Stenosis at L2-L3, L4-L5 and L5-S1. (Rajnish Singh)
  4. Lumbar Spondylosis with PIVD at L4-L5 & L5-S1 levels causing secondary canal stenosis & Compression of exiting nerve roots (Prabal Pratap Singh)
  5. Diffuse bulge L3-L4 and L4-L5 I.V. Disc with Posterocentral Marked Extrusion slightly more on left causing compressive radiculopathy (L4-L5 > L3-L4) with secondary spinal canal narrowing L3-L4 7mm and L4-L5 4mm. (Bhupendar Banars)

Listhesis Herniated Disc Recovery Stories

Retrolisthesis L2 over L3, L3 over L4, L4 over L5 and L5 over S1

Grade II spondylolisthesis of L5 with associated spondylolysis, L5-S1 disc protrusion with associated tear causing mild to moderate compression on bilateral exiting nerve roots. (Shruti Bajpai)

Multilevel spondylotic disk disease noting the presence of interval development of grade 1 anterolisthesis of L4 on L5 and disk herniations at L4-L5 and L5-S1. (Rohit Gupta)

Grade 1 anterolisthesis L4 over L5 (<sreeyaroychoudhury@gmail.com)