Difference between different conditions of disc

It can be difficult to recognise the dissimilarity between the types of disc problems. We often confuse in the middle of these. Although there are clear differences between the particular. Yet these terms are used interchangeably which is delusive. If you’re one of the spinal disc patients, then you must know the type of your disorder. Let us find Difference between different conditions of disc-

Difference between different conditions of disc

Degenerative Disc

Degenerative disc disease is caused by a damaged disc. The discs between the vertebrae deteriorate over time as we age. It is not a disease indeed. But it is a condition that illustrates the changes in the spinal disc over time. Having said that, people with degenerative disc problems tend to improve over time.

Moreover, if the condition becomes worse than the spinal discs may lose their moisture percentage, and can move the vertebrae near into the compact. This causes small cracks and nerve inflammation. Later, this makes us uncomfortable to move, run, sit and sleep.

Symptoms of Degenerative Disc include- pain starting from the back to the buttock and the upper thighs, pain in the arms, numbness, and tingling sensation.

Bulging Disc

A bulging disc, also known as disc protrusion is a condition that happens when a disc shifts from its normal position. In this situation, inner core of the disc tears or damages the outer fibrous layer because of which the inner core provokes the area to bulge. The jelly like nucleus remains inside the inner layer. This puts pressure on the spinal nerve and the parts ache where from the nerve passes by.

People usually mistake the symptoms caused by a bulged disc with herniated disc. Some of the common symptoms of bulged discs are neck pain, back pain, arm pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, asthma, fatigue, bronchitis, headaches, heart disease, sciatica, hip and leg pain, etc.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc, also known as ruptured disc is a painful back condition. This is a condition when the protective outer layer of the disc gets ripped or damaged and displaced due to which the inner core material that consists of mainly water, leaks out. This can exert pressure on the spinal nerve which causes swelling and bring about extreme pain.

Age, obesity, tobacco and bad posture are some of the factors that cause disc herniation.

Symptoms caused by a herniated disc are back pain, neck pain, burning sensation, numbness, tingling, weakness, bowel movement and bladder problems

Ruptured Disc

A rupture in disc standardly takes place in your lower back. It is the last phase of disc abrasion, wherein the outer coating tears out completely and the inner core of the vertebral disc starts to drain. Rupture in disc occurs when the walls entirely tear. This stage of spinal disc is the most difficult condition to treat as the disc is altogether harmed.

The condition deteriorates due to lack of exercise, overweight, injury, carrying heavy weights and age.

Some of the symptoms include muscle weakness, arm pain, back pain, foot pain, leg pain, numbness, tingling and loss of movement.