Slipped disc (or simply, disc) is the medical term for a ruptured or slipped intervertebral disc. A slipped or herniated disc often occurs in the lumbar spine; sometimes it extends into the sacral region of the spine.

The spinal discs act as cushions between adjacent vertebrae. These help to absorb and disperse stresses on the spine and allow for movement within the spinal column itself.

What is a disc?

The spine comprises a column of vertebrae separated by discs. Each disc is a joint, consisting of two relatively flat C-shaped parts called the ‘fibrous ring’ and the ‘nucleus pulposus’. The nucleus gives resiliency to the disc while the fibrous ring provides stability.

The disc acts as a shock absorber helping to distribute body weight through space from one vertebra to the next. The discs also allow for flexibility in the spine. And help keep it from being rigidly straight or locked into a fully curved position. A normal spine should have three degrees of movement. These are- side-to-side wiggling, up-and-down bending, and forward-and-back rocking motion like when you walk.

What is a slipped disc?

A slipped disc refers to many other terms such as ‘slipped’ or ‘herniated’ discs, bulging discs, etc. The root cause of slips usually attribute to degenerative changes due to old age. This happens due to loss of water from within cells leading them stiffer and lack of flexibility. When the loss of water takes place. The soft jelly-like central portion of the disc bulges out beyond the more solid outer part of the disc. The outer layer we know as Annulus Fibrosus.

How does a disc slip?

Lifting heavier objects or strenuous activities are the primary causes for slipped discs. Sometimes it can be due to obesity. Patients having slipped discs are at risk for secondary injuries like spondylolisthesis. When these patients do not seek proper treatment in time. A slipped disc or herniation results when one of the fibrocartilaginous rings that encase the nucleus pushes through weaknesses in its surrounding bone and tissue, known as vertebral endplates. The annulus which is -strong fibers, ruptures more easily than ligaments around it. This results in a condition called “Herniated or Slipped Disk”. The slipping of the disc can relate to a number of factors. These might include improper lifting, twisting of the back, and straining.

The damage that occurs due to slipping can result in compression on the nerve roots. Nerve roots around it thus resulting in swelling and inflammation which results in pain. This condition is called a slipped disc(or herniated/bulging disk). In most cases of slipped discs, people begin feeling symptoms within 4-6 weeks after slipping occurs

Slipped disc symptoms

The symptoms of a slipped disc can be extremely painful and debilitating. Because it irritates or compresses the nerves that run through your vertebrae. The same nerves control the movement and sensation in parts of your body. It may also interfere with a nerve that controls bladder function, causing issues with urination. Symptoms vary from one person to another depending on the severity of a condition. The common symptoms include:

1) A tingling feeling around the buttocks or down the leg which is known as sciatica pain

2) Numbness along the path of the irritated nerve

3) Inability to move part of your body properly

4) Pain when you stand upright after sitting for long hours at a stretch

5) Other symptoms of slipped disc include lower back pain, leg pain and weakness, loss of bowel or bladder control.

When surgery is required for Slipped Disc?

Surgery is required only when the affected person cannot move around due to severe pain and pressure on the nerves. It should be considered as a last resort. After you have tried all other means of treatment.

Surgery for slipped discs aims at relieving symptoms rather than fixing or curing them. This type of surgery is -Discectomy. The doctor will remove the part of the disc that has herniated outwards to release the compression.

But Surgery is not “the-only” way

The question that arises is whether the slipped disc can be cured permanently without surgery? The answer would be yes. There are many cases that have been healed completely without any surgical intervention, just by taking ayurvedic treatment.

Surgery is a must when the patient doesn’t get better even after the treatment with medicines and other therapies. But still, there may be chances of recurrence if the condition went undetected at its early stage. Or due to weak muscles surrounding it which can give rise to slipping again.

It is advised to take Ayurveda systems for the treatment of slipped discs.

Ayurvedic medicines along with Panchkarma and Yoga Asanas can help completely to cure slipped disc conditions without scalpel and scissors. So, waiting for the condition of slipping the spine to become worse before opting for ayurvedic treatment may not be an option anymore.

How can Ayurveda help?

Ayurvedic Treatment for slipped disk or herniated disc consists in effectively controlling primary causes. These include- aging, food habits, behavior patterns, etc. Medicinal remedies help to achieve it. Remedies act on different systems of the body by correcting any underlying imbalance.

This treatment also helps in controlling the secondary factors that aggravate the slipped disc problem. Such as an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise, and improper sitting, standing, or sleeping positions which altogether may trigger back pain.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Slipped Disc

The Ayurvedic treatment for slipped discs consists of medicinal remedies such as Vatari Guggulu, Drops Neura, MahaRasnadi Kashyam, Tab M. Forte, etc. This regulates hormonal activity and strengthens muscles and bones to give relief from backache and other symptoms associated with herniation. It cures all stages of slipped disc problems by using herbal remedies like Yograj Guggulu, Chitrak Rasayana, etc. It also ensures a healthy lifestyle by prescribing simple yet effective exercises and techniques. These all strengthen your back muscles and restore the natural curvature of your spine.

Panchakarma Treatment for Slipped disc or Herniated disc

Panchakarma is a unique Ayurvedic treatment for slipped discs. These consist of therapeutic procedures such as Snehana, Swedana, Sirodhara, Vamana, and Virechana done with different medicinal oils. It helps in the proper elimination of toxic waste from the body by clearing the impurities present deep within your system. Panchakarma increases blood flow to give you relief from pain and discomfort caused due to slipped discs.

This procedure strengthens the back muscles. Helps you maintain correct posture thereby reducing your chances of suffering another slipped disk injury.

You can expect complete recovery only through Panchakarma therapy. When combined with following a healthy lifestyle comprising a balanced diet, regular exercise, and optimum sleeping hours. With this approach, it will be able to accurately treat slipped disc problems at their initial stage without having to resort to surgery.

So, Ayurveda is a treatment system that works on the principles of restoring the natural balance within your body. Thereby curing you of disease conditions without any side effects or recurrence. The best part about the Ayurvedic treatment regimen is its ability to cure even those slipped disk conditions that have been neglected for years. This gives you relief from back pain as well as other associated symptoms caused due to herniated discs.

Yoga for a slipped disc

A slipped disc can be cured through Ayurvedic therapy such as acupuncture and massage therapy. This help in relaxing the muscles around the afflicted area thus reducing pressure on the ruptured disc and alleviating pain. Yoga is another way one can cure herniated or slipped discs naturally. Here are some yoga poses that will help you resolve your condition:

  1. Uttanasa Asana
  2. Ardha Namaskara
  3. Shavasana
  4. Vasisthasana
  5. Pawanmuktasana
  6. Bhujangasana.

Uttanasa Asana:

It helps in relieving backache and also strengthens the muscles of your back and stomach. For doing this pose, lie down on the floor keeping your legs straight. Now stretch your arms and grab your back toes with both your hands. Pull yourself towards them to make a bow shape with your body like an upward curve. Breathe normally until you feel relaxed. Then come off from the pose letting go of all the tension in the muscles of your body. Practice this regularly by holding it for about five long, deep breaths before releasing it off completely.

Ardha Namaskara:

The yoga pose is an excellent way to get relief from slipped discs. It is good for people with backache, herniated discs, and cervical spondylosis. To practice, this pose lies down on the floor facing upwards with your head resting on the ground in between your two arms. Arms should stretch straight up above your head touching each other with palms facing upwards. Keep one leg straight while bending the other at the knee and place it over the straightened leg that’s lying above it. Bend down towards your bent legs till you touch them with your head. And then slowly come back to your original position stretching out all of your muscles completely as you breathe normally without holding any breath. Try doing this pose again by placing first one leg and then another over a period of time.


Lie down on the floor facing upwards and relax your whole body completely so that all the muscles in your body get loosened up. Keep breathing deeply ensuring that you are not holding any breath at any point of time till it becomes normal again. Hold this pose for about five to ten long breaths before releasing off your legs, one after another, to come out of it slowly with a sense of calmness settling deep within you.


This is an excellent exercise posture that can give immense relief in slipped discs along with strengthening the back muscles too. For practicing this yoga pose sit down in between your legs bringing together both your knees touching each other while keeping them straight. Now place your arms straight on the floor stretching out completely with fingers pointing forward and palms facing upwards. Keep breathing normally without holding any breath till you feel your abs relax off completely. You can stay in this pose for about five to ten breaths before coming back to the initial position.


While practicing Bhujangasana, make sure that you sit down on the ground with legs stretched out long in front of you touching each other’s toes closely. Place both your hands behind your back supporting it so that all of your muscles are relaxed completely releasing off all the stress from them while maintaining a perfect posture. Try doing this simple yoga pose till it becomes comfortable enough for you not to let go of its benefits. Try holding this pose for about ten to twelve breaths before taking a break and doing it again.

Yoga is one such way through which cervical spondylosis can be completely taken care of without any side effects or other complications.

Can slip disc be cured permanently without surgery?

Yes, it is possible according to Ayurvedic practices and Panchkarma therapies. Yoga also helps the patients in getting the required cure and relief from slipped discs. These days yoga has become very popular all over the world due to its benefit to health care. With regular practice of yoga, you can get rid of your slipped disc problem once and for all!


Vaidya Pradeep Sharma (MD)

Sukhayu Ayurveda for most trusted Ayurvedic hospital for spinal problems

Sukhay Ayurveda is one of the prime institution of Ayurveda. National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare Providers- famously known as NABH under quality council of India- awarded Sukahyu NABH accreditation in year 2017.