Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Slip Disc

For a condition like slip disc many patients keeps on looking ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc. You just ask anything from google- it has everything. Google yields About 7,71,000 results in just 0.49 seconds for a search of Ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc. 7 ways to get rid of slip disc, 21 tricks to readjust the spinal disc- are common titles of these searches form google. But Dr. Google shows you what you ask for. It never shares the basic truth. There are only disclaimers on these websites and videos- that only few percent of these “preachers” are well trained doctors. Among these people who share any kind of home remedies for slip disc are people who want to sell a book, a product or something to you.

Nobody of these links care for your disc. Because if aloe vera juice or gel can bring back the disc in its own location- there wont be any disable patient because of herniated disc or bulged disc. Because we are working in this field since 12 years, this becomes our moral responsibility to aware every patient about the truth of these ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc. https://youtube.com/watch?v=CA83cXls0vE%3Frel%3D0%22+frameborder%3D%220%22+allow%3D%22autoplay%3B+encrypted-media%22+allowfullscreen%3E%3C

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Slip Disc: Truth or Fake?

Before anything, we need to know about-

Mr. Prabal Pratap. Mr. Pratap works for Indian Army and he came to us in year 2016. He came with a completely drop foot. He was not sure what to do for that condition. Because he has tried almost 100 of the home remedies for slip disc in two years. He got relieve in pain- every now and then. But he could not get any solution for the disc problem. His nerves tried to give him message that he should rectify the problem. But he kept on avoiding the instructions of the body. One day he ended up with “drop foot”. His nerves gave up.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Slip Disc

Mr. Prabal Pratap is one of the best example to understand the bad impact of these ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc. These does nothing. They bring a negative image for Ayurveda and deteriorate your health completely.

Most of the people like Mr. Pratap loose their health by doing all these mistakes. You should be careful about these ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc.

Why Do Home Remedies for Slip Disc Fail?

There are certain points, why does any home remedies for slip disc fail to heal your disc. These are basically some reasons-

No Scientific Sense behind these home remedies for slip disc

Just tricks: Human body is completely a science based working machine. These ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc doesn’t have scientific backgrounds. Most of the oils burnt with cloves of garlic or something just work as counter irritants. They don’t have anything to do with Slip disc. These counter irritants, just irritate the skin and distracts your brain from sensation of pain. When you have scientific sense it is okay but other wise this is all nonsense.

Ayurveda has nothing to do with Ayurvedic home remedies for slip disc

Generally everybody thinks that Ayurveda is all about these home remedies alone. Any one with long hair- orange clothes can proclaim oneself as Ayurvedic expert. This is not true at all. Ayurveda is a complete science. When you want to work on Ayurveda, you need to know about human body in a better way. Read the complete article on Ayurveda for Herniated Disc

Home remedies are not intended to treat the condition

We should look for home remedies when we don’t have access to the medical facilities. These are not part of any treatments. These internet pages bring a lot of revenue from advertisements through google advertisement. They are not responsible for any treatment. Thus they can say anything.

Now question appears- what is the option, then? Only the costly and risky surgery?

Don’t want to go for slip disc surgery?

You are not alone who don’t want to go for surgery. But if surgery is required- you should go for surgery too. You can share your MRI report (written) to us so that we can guide you better that is there any requirement of surgery or not?

If you can be treated with Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, certainly Sukhayu is the best place for slip disc treatment in India through Ayurvedic interventions. But it depends on your condition. We just take 45% cases. Because we don’t want to create a trap in name of Ayurveda. We believe in treatment.

Still when you don’t want to go for slip disc surgery, it is never advisable to use this or that trick at home. These tricks can trap your health and it will be costly for you. Because your health is precious. Not just for you but your family too. This is something which everybody with these tricks forgets. You should not be in the category of Mr. Prabal Pratap Singh ji. Thanks to Lord that we were able to treat his condition through Ayurvedic treatment for slip disc, if not he was not able to walk and stand even. Here is the detailed case study of Mr. Singh-

We don’t charge anything to study your MRI and to revert you. This is the reason- we encourage everybody to send the MRI reports even. So that we can guide you better. Thus you should just drop an email to us. Click on contact us and reach to us for complete evaluation of the MRI as per our special vision.